BINDI (m) born 5/11/11 very smoochy

December 2017 – Bindi has been adopted by his carer Michelle in Sylvania


10/12/11 Little Bindi had been taken to the pound without his mum at no more than 4 wks of age. No wonder he was terrified & very grubby, he is ginger & white and he loves to sit on your lap and snuggle up. He is a good little purrer.  He and Ronin have become good friends and would love to find a new home together.
13/5/12 Bindi is such a gorgeous boy, he loves his cuddles and will put his paws around your neck. He is a talker and will tell you all about his day.
Bindi has tested negative to FIV

Sept 2013 – Bindi has a part sponsorship of $10 per month from CD

RONIN born 10/10/09

December 2017 – Ronin’s adoption is on hold pending his medical condition, he will stay with his carer Michelle in Sylvania.

 RONIN (m)- black with white socks & tummy – Ronin is a little ninja and very outgoing, he was straight out of the carrier when we got home. Within 15 minutes he had climbed the wall of the cage, fallen in the water bowl and climbed up and all over my partner. He loves to explore and is discovering how much fun toys are! He is very affectionate and head butts us constantly when he is not practising his ninja skills. He has gorgeous long white whiskers and vague tabby marking in his sleek black coat. He has a very powerful meow for one so small, and loves to let you know how he is going and what he wants.
-Ronin has been named after a rank of samurai-
June 2010 – Ronin was being treated for an eye ulcer in his right eye as a result of cat flu and has had 2 operations.
September 2011- Ronin is doing well since his last surgery.  Ronin has partial sight in his affected eye but it doesn?t affect his daily life. Ronin tears around the house like a mad thing and is a healthy smoochy boy. He loves other cats and would love a home with a mate. Ronin needs to be kept as an indoor cat due to his affected eyesight.
He would love a home together with Bindy who Ronin loves to bits. Ronin washes him and plays with him and they snuggle up together.
Ronin has tested negative for FIV

June 2010 Many thanks to Margaret who donated a cat stand and travel bag – Ronin is having great fun and sends purrs & kisses x x x
17/12/10 Ronin was  sponsored by Nat from June until December 2012 – purrs & kisses from Ronin


December 2017 Kit Kat ‘s adoption is on hold pending his medical condition, he will stay with his carer Michelle in Sylvania.
Kit Kat (born 30 Sept’08 approx) was rescued from Death Row at the pound, along with his mother Ruby. As we did not have a foster carer for them, they went  straight to a vet clinic for boarding for 3 weeks. Kit Kat was only about 4 months old at the time and still drinking from his mother. Kit Kat seemed to be a healthy mature kitten at the time of rescue, and so we were shocked to get a call from the vet clinic at the end of 3 wks suggesting that he should be euthanased due to a significant constipation condition. Alarmed at his reported condition, we collected Kit Kat immediately and booked him in for a specialist review at the Animal Referral Hospital. We were shocked that our previously healthy little boy had suddenly developed faecal and urinary incontinence whilst he was in boarding. There is no way that we would ever consider euthanasia as a first option for a non life threatening condition. We were determined to do everything in our power to help our precious little boy.
Kit Kat had a one week stay at the Animal Referral Hospital under the expert care of Dr Narelle Brown, Internal Medicine Specialist. He needed enemas every day to help him eliminate, and he had to have his bladder expressed daily. His prognosis was grim despite the excellent care he received at ARH. After leaving ARH, Kit Kat was reviewed by a neurologist, but this did not offer much hope either. It was thought that his chances of improvement were limited. Despite a poor prognosis, we remained hopeful that he might improve over the longer term, and hence we have continued with his treatment rather than considering euthanasia as an option.

After leaving the Animal Referral Hospital, Kit Kat had a 3 week stay at Kirrawee vet clinic under the expert care of Dr Bill Ilkin. Here he made some improvement but progress was slow, but we believe this is not unexpected for the type of condition he has. He has had a couple of periodic stays here in boarding when his foster carer was unavailable, which has provided a good opportunity for the clinic to assess his progress. At his recent review Bill, our vet, advised that Kit Kat had made surprisingly good progress. It is now more than 2 months since he has needed an enema.

We are pleased with Kit Kat?s progress and glad that we have persevered with his rehabilitation. Kit Kat?s  incontinence has improved and he does use his litter tray, although he is still on expensive medication to improve his bowel movements, and he does still need us to help him empty his bladder This just means that we need to toilet him similarly to how we would a young kitten which doesn?t have its mother. We wipe his little bot bot with some damp toilet paper, after he has finished his meal, and he wees reliably. We do this in his litter tray to reinforce his toileting habits. He does need his tail end bathed regularly to ensure he remains clean, but this is not too difficult as he is a co-operative little boy who seems to appreciate that we are doing this to help him.We hope that he will continue to improve over the coming months.

Kit Kat has now started going out to the cat enclosure with some of the other foster cats. He had the biggest look of surprise on his little face when we first started him going out into the enclosure. He gets on well with the other foster cats, though we only leave him with them for a few hours at a time. He still has his own room, with a nice warm heater at night, and all his favourite toys.

September ’09 update
Kit Kat uses his litter tray, but still has some continence issues, however he is much easier to manage than 3 months ago. We still put him in his tray, and help him manage his toileting. He has only required one microlax enema in the last 4 months.
He is the most gorgeous, smoochy little boy. He loves nothing more than to be cuddled and give big kisses. He is worth the time and effort. Everyone loves Kit Kat.

June 2017 – December 2017 –  Kit Kat was sponsored at $10 per month by CD.
Kit Kat was sponsored by Rachel from Sutherland – $25/month for 2mths. lots of purrs & hugs from Kit Kat x x x
Dec 2011 – March 2014 – Kit Kat was sponsored by Alison from Moss Vale – $40 mth  x x x
Jul’09 –  Thank you very much to Laurie from Kitty Sitter – Cat Sitting & Cat Care  for her kind donation of cat food and Revolution – purrs and hugs from Ruby & Kit Kat x x x
Feb’09 –  Thank you very much to Jane  for her very generous donation of $500 for emergency boarding. Kisses and purrs from Ruby, Kit Cat, Cindy-Lou and Snowflake.x x x


GEM born 6/10/09- sweet natured

June 2017 Gem has been adopted by her foster carer Maria

Gem was from a litter of 4 born approx 6/10/09. Gem is FIV negative
GEM is a blue torty and is an absolutely beautiful and very affectionate cat who is looking forward to a new home with another cat as a playmate if possible.
Maria says – Gem is a darling little girl with a very sweet nature.  She gets along extremely well with the other cats and the dog in the house.  Gem loves running around and playing with her toys, and every so often she chases around with one of the resident cats.  She has brought to the house a calm that we have not been able to achieve for some time, it is almost as if she is a ‘peace maker’ amongst the pets.  As much as Gem loves a little cuddle from me when I find her curled up asleep she isn’t demanding of any more then that.

Gem was sponsored by CD @ $40 per month from September 2013 and sends grateful kisses