This page is dedicated to our precious pets, and kind volunteers, who’ve gone to Rainbow Bridge.
Every life is precious to us, and they remain in our hearts always.

We invite you to write a tribute for your pet, and send together with a photo to Lucy

        Rainbow Bridge       

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….

MINNIE 18/9/2024

Hi team

Many years ago now in 2008 I adopted a kitten from you, Minnie. She was a huge kitten but never grew beyond that huge kitten size.

She moved with me to Adelaide in 2015.

Yesterday she went over the rainbow bridge at 16 years old with declining health.

She had a good life and was loved by our family until the last breath.

David 19/9/2024

IZZY  February 2023

(f) born approx June 2010 (microchip 900 012 000 811 697)

Izzy became very ill and unfortunately passed away suddenly on February 2023 from heart disease at SVES. She is sorely missed. RIP little girl

Izzy is a tiny little short-haired dark tortoiseshell with big green eyes and a fiery orange stripe down her nose. She is a delicate and softly spoken little thing who enjoys being with people. While she can be a little timid with new people she quickly warms up to everyone and loves a good pat, cuddle and ear scratch.
Izzy had a bit of a rough start to life. She was rescued with 5 kittens who had to be hand raised as Izzy needed an operation for a blocked intestine to save her life.  It was touch and go for a while, but she’s a tough little thing and came through it well. she was very skinny and underweight. She improved greatly in just a few weeks, although she appears to be naturally small and slender.
Izzy has an adorable little miaow that sometimes is barely audible. When it can be heard, her miaow sounds more like a squeak, which had led to the nickname ‘Pipsqueak’.
TC (Top Cat) 12/4/2020
TC (Top Cat) (m) born 18/10/11 (microchip 982 000 167 729 909)
10/4/2020 TC was very ill in hospital and had to be PTS 12/4/2020 when he succumbed to acute renal failure and could not be saved.  He is dearly missed by us all.
 TC  (Top Cat) steel grey tabby with a white bib, was rescued with his brother ChooChoo at 2wks old with their mum Izzy  They had to be hand reared as Izzy was too sick to care for them.

October 2013 TC is a handsome boy with a very gentle nature. He was formerly in foster care with his beloved brother Choo Choo. Choo Choo was injured in 2013, necessitating a separation of the brothers. TC was at first reserved and missing his brother terribly, but then bonded in foster care with Missy, a beautiful brown 10 month old female tabby kitten. She was as fearless as he was shy. She “brought him out of his shell” and  they played, chased and wrestled together frequently; and, occasionally snuggled together in a bedtime embrace.

Benny 26/12/18
We lost our precious little foster boy Benny at SASH on 26/12/18. He had suddenly taken a dramatic turn for the worst. All his vitals were deteriorating including his breathing. SASH were wonderful and they did all they possibly could. However Benny continued to deteriorate to the point that sadly we had to make the decision for him to be PTS.
Benny was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease in August 2017
RIP Benny you are dearly missed and we all loved you..
OSCAR 25/12/2018

Hi team

You may remember me, I adopted Oscar and Minnie back in 2008.

Just writing to let you know that Oscar was put to sleep today. He had not been well this week and his kidneys had failed

Minnie is still doing well, they both moved to Adelaide with me a few years ago

Thanks for everything you do


Melody October 2018

October 2018
Sadly I lost little Melody, at SASH a couple of nights ago. she had been in and out of hospital and we thought we were making headway with SASH’s treatment. She suddenly developed intermittent neurological and breathing issues on Sunday when I visited her. I had to make the heart breaking decision to end her suffering in the early hours of Tuesday morning. it has all been very traumatic. . I loved her dearly, and she loved me.
Michelle Alber
Melody’s story….
I’m a pretty blue and white girl born approx 2004. Sydney Pet Rescue and Adoption took me into foster care  when my family planned to take me to the pound, when they were moving to the US.

SPRA took me in because they knew that being a special needs pussy cat, I would have been put to sleep at the pound straight away. Lots of people don’t realise, but pets surrendered to the pound by their owners can be put to sleep straight away. Hard to believe..but that’s what happens. Anyway..I was one of the lucky ones.

At the time my family surrendered me, I was very overweight and a sad pussy cat. Sydney Pet Rescue thinks that I was likely a cruelty case. It took a long time, with kindness and patience from my foster carers, to help me learn to trust people, and for me to get down to my ideal weight, but I did! We learned that I am one of those pussy cats that prefers to be an only cat, though I might be ok with one other laid back pussy cat. We also learned that the sort of home or foster home that I do best in is a quiet patient caring home, without children or other pets, though one other laid back pussycat might be ok too. Because of my special needs, it’s been so hard for me to find just the right foster home or forever home.

I did really well with my last foster carer, and I showed that I have a sweet affectionate side. I used to love to sit beside my last foster carer on the sofa or especially to roll about on my lambswool and to play with my mouse. I was happy and my confidence really grew when I was with her. I had to go into emergency boarding at Puss n Boots when she couldn’t look after me anymore. .

Thank you for reading my story. Love from Melody x

Thanks to my previous sponsors Iris & Hanky – Nov 2011 till Jan 2012  x x x
Thanks to my previous sponsor Margaret Haywood – $40 per mth from December 2016- till 7/6/17 x x x

Thanks to Jenny Grant who sponsored me @ $20 per mth from Dec 2016
27/10/2018    $250.00     Lyn    E     For Melody xxx             (We have put this towards Melody’s large vet bills.)
CAESAR 23/8/18

It is with a heavy heart that on 23 August Brett and I said goodbye to a special little man who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

We first met Caesar in January 2015 when I was a volunteer with SPRA and we took in him for vacation care. Brett and I had lost our own dog the year before and we felt ready to take that step again and foster a dog in need of care.
Over that year we fostered him for a few short stints and also nursed him for a few weeks after his surgery to remove his eye due to a tumour in May 2015.

During that year he was diagnosed with cancer and was the perfect patient going through chemo, so when his foster carer couldn’t look after him any more we made the decision to take him in for his twilight years and he’s been with us permanently for the last 18 months.
In that time he has made his way into our hearts and into the hearts of everyone who cared for him as he was such a good patient, including Kirrawee Vet Hospital and the wonderful vets at SASH where he was a regular in the past year.

He had been through so much and was such a fighter to the end.
He always maintained his gentle soul and just loved human company. He loved the simple things in life – food, going for walks and cuddles.
His staffy smile and waggly tail melted our heart every time we saw him.

RIP Caesar we’ll miss you.
Kylie & Brett.
MISSY 13th January 2017
Last night I had to put my beloved Missy to sleep. Just last weekend her breathing started becoming laboured. Completely out of the blue – she was otherwise such a healthy, strong girl. I thought she was better on Monday, but took her to the vet as a precaution. They did blood tests, but they were inconclusive. On Thursday I took her back for X-rays and an ultrasound, as the vet believed it was a lymphoma and wanted to confirm. There were nodules in her chest which were decreasing the capacity of her lungs to inflate. Samples of those nodules were also sent for testing. But by the time the results came back on Friday afternoon, she had deteriorated significantly. Although those tests were also inconclusive, she was distressed. She was not eating or drinking, and was struggling to breathe, so I had to make the toughest decision of my life.
I am heartbroken. In the almost nine years since I adopted her, she has changed so much. Although she was feisty until the end, she was also so sweet and affectionate and she brought me so much joy. She made herself known to everyone who walked in my house. She felt so safe and loved, she just assumed anyone who came in this house would join the Missy adoration society (which they usually always did!). She was such a lovely companion, and a much cherished member of my family.
I miss her desperately.

I just wanted to thank Sydney Pet Rescue for matching us. What a beautiful girl. xo
Leisa 14/1/17


MABEL  October 2014

It is with great sadness that we let you know that Mabel has recently crossed over the rainbow bridge.
Unfortunately our vet informed us that Mabel had an aggressive form of liver cancer that grew very quickly and spread to other organs.
We were advised that it was too late for any treatment to be effective unfortunately so we let Mabel go peacefully.

We deeply miss our Mabel she use to meow her soft meow each morning at her eagerness to be given her breakfast.
She would quietly approach you for pats and walk away when she had enough pats.
She would groom her younger fur sisters and treated them like they were her kittens.
Despite being an adult cat she would still run rather spritely after her fur sisters or occasionally after a cat toy.

When I took Mabel out of Renbury pound she had 2 kittens (who were named Matilda & Daisy both adopted together).
I kept fostering Mabel until July this year when we decided we could not bear to part with our precious girl and we officially adopted her.
We will treasure the memories we have of our gentle natured girl and always be grateful to Sydney Pet Rescue.

Sleep softly in peace now



 MUNCHKIN 2006 – 2014 Jenny & Mark

Munchkin or “Munch” as he was affectionately known sadly passed away on Friday 16th May 2014. Munch was rescued from a local pound as an adult cat destined for death row. His beautiful green eyes and amazing tabby stripes attracted Sydney Pet Rescue to rescue him and place him in foster care. He was taken into care by Melissa and Troy, who quickly learnt that Munchkin wasn’t going to be an easy foster cat to care for. He had serious catitude and was quickly going to run the household under his terms. After 8 months of care, nurture and rehabilitation Munch calmed down and a mutual respect was gained.
In late 2008 Munch’s adoptive parents Jenny and Mark arrived. It was love at first sight!! Jenny and Mark could not wait to welcome him into their lives and give him the opportunity to strive and blossom into a wonderful affectionate smoochy boy that was much loved and cared for.
Munch will be sadly missed and his character can, and will, never be replaced. Mark and Jenny gave Munch over 6 years of love and companionship that he would have never had if his fate was met.
Munch is now at rest at Rainbow Bridge where he has an endless supply of paper to shred and a never ending bowl of food to eat. Rest in peace beautiful man. We will miss you. xo


JACK  16/3/14
Tragically, our lovely Jack was savagely attacked by a dog being walked without a leash. He was taken to SASH but sadly could not be saved.
Jack was a sweet and gentle boy who was loved by all who knew him and we, his family, are so heart broken to lose him.
We rescued Jack from Death Row in 2011 wearing a red collar and he quickly settled into foster care with us and entered our hearts.
He is now running free at Rainbow Bridge where one day we will meet again
18.1.13 In Memory of Jen…. our Christmas Elf
It is with much sadness, that we have learned of the sudden passing of  one of our Sydney Pet Rescue volunteers, Jennifer Jones.
Jen was a new volunteer over recent months. We knew her to be a sweet and gentle girl, with a big heart for the animals. I arrived home from work one day before Christmas, and there on my doorstep was a large bag of all sorts of goodies for our rescued pets. There was no note and we wondered who could have been so generous, and at just the right time when we needed supplies for our rescued pets. We advertised on our website and on our Facebook page, to try and find our Christmas Elf, so that we could thank her, and to our delight, we received a reply from Jen to advise that it was her. It was obvious that Jen had put a lot of thought into making up her sack of Christmas goodies, with good quality food, toys and treats. I’m so glad that we distributed Jen’s kind donation straight away, using it to make up Santa Hampers for our rescued pets, and that it made Jen happy to know that her donation had brought joy to pets in need and their carers. Jen also kindly helped with transport of Toby and Ollie, two of our foster cats, just before New Year. Jen’s mum told us that Jen was very passionate about animals, especially poorly treated and sad ones. Jen was a precious gift to all who knew and loved her.
Jen and her family are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time.

Michelle Alber – President- Sydney Pet Rescue & Adoption

“Every life is precious to us.”

Rainbow Bridge-Our Tribute To Jen (click on link)

For JenRainbow Bridge
Revised for Jen, from the original poem, “Rainbow Bridge” by Jean McColgan

Oh, when we get to Heaven
We hope that we will find
The souls that once we loved
Who left us all behind.

Some left us at the right time
They left this world in peace
Others left too suddenly
Without the chance to say Goodbye,
They were gone before we had
The chance to even cry.

There’s a special place for grown ups
And a special place for kids
Me? I’ll be on the other side
The side called Rainbow Bridge.

Across the dark green meadows
On top of hills I’ll run
Where the colours from the rainbow
Glitter from the sun.

And there I’ll meet my loved ones
Waiting I will be
At Rainbow Bridge ..we’ll meet again
For all eternity.

Dear Jen…Thank you for caring, and for making the time to help our rescued pets. You made the world a better place. We’ll  meet you at Rainbow Bridge.

With love from our rescued pets, and your friends at Sydney Pet Rescue & Adoption x x x

Jen’s family have asked that in loving memory of Jen, that family and friends consider, in lieu of flowers, a donation to support the rescue work of Sydney Pet Rescue & Adoption. Money donated will be put into “Jen’s Fund to Help Sad and Mistreated Animals”
We aim to discuss with Jen’s Mum how this might be used, possibly either for rescue costs and emergency vet care, or a memorial competition to raise awareness about the prevention of cruelty to animals.

If you would like to make a donation, please click on link below for details

Jen’s Fund to Help Sad and Mistreated Animals

On behalf of Jen and her family, thank you for your support.

If you would like to send a tribute message for Jen to appear here, please email Lucy.

To view list of donations received to date, 

click here to go to page ‘JEN’S MEMORIAL FUND’


FLUFFY 6-12-2012

My precious little foster kitten Fluffy, died suddenly late last night.
Fluffy was the most joyful, exuberant and loving little cat I’ve ever known. A Blk and white fluffy who came to me as a stray.
At about 12 wks of age, he was sneaking up to my back step for food.
Too frightened to be picked up then, but he used to go around the side of the house and get up on top of the cat enclosure,
So deperate was he to be near the other cats. Then one day I left the enclosure open and caught him that way.
I just let him come around in his own time. In the last couple of months he had become quite confident and I could pick
Him up easily and cuddle him. Izzy became a great little foster mother to him, and they adored each other.
As soon as Izzy or Kit Kat would get up on top of the double tiered holding pen in the foster room, which has a nice coft matress on top of it,
Fluffy would jump up there, lay against them with his little front feet hanging down over the front of the pen.
He had become quite confident over the last month and was happy for me to pick him up and cuddle him, which I did every day.

I’m so heartbroken..Kit Kat and Izzy look sad too. Fluffy brought so much joy to the foster room.
Michelle 7/12/2012


SAMSON Born 25.10.12, Gone to Rainbow Bridge  25.11.12

‘A tribute by Mariesa’
Samson was the last of 3 to be born, he was behind the eight ball from the start, being unable to break out of his sack without human intervention, his lungs filled with fluid. However, that didn’t stop him! He started clawing first chance he could whilst gasping for air at the same time. From the start he was a fighter.

A little Ginger Tom with a white face, a cute little orange patch under his chin that at the right angle looked like a goatee, a white waistcoat and white socks; Sampson started to outgrow his sisters. He had a voracious appetite and was often seen kicking his sisters off the teat. He was the one sleeping on top of his sisters and even when in a deep sleep would not brook lying under anyone including mum.

Sampson was not only strong willed but a brave little fellow often taking point at the front of the nest, with his sisters behind him.

Soon it became clear that Samson’s health was failing. A visit to the vet helped perk him up, he started weaning at 3 and 1/2 weeks and would often gum his food to death, resulting in his wearing a good portion all about his face.

Sadly, he soon started fading and became weak, yet again, this did not stop him. Often trying to leave the nest and explore his surrounds, complaining when mum gave him a bath, finding a corner of the nest where he could sleep alone; Samson was indeed his own little man.

…And then he began to falter, as he insisted on using up the little reserves of energy he had. Attempts from mum and his foster mum to get him to rest were to no avail. Samson was determined to be a regular healthy little kitty.
Another visit to the vet did not yield the results hoped for. Samson was fading. He was probably fading fast but you wouldn’t know it as he continued to fight to be mobile and independent.

A final visit to SASH held promise, the vets were hopeful, they could see his fighting spirit. His will to live was unmistakable. Sadly, he could not prevail, we lost him on 25.11.12, he was 4 and 1/2 weeks old.

We mourn the loss of every little precious life that crosses our paths. I, in particular, mourn Samson as I was his foster mum.

Rest in peace my little man and may you find the independence you sought in this life in the next.

My little tiger in the grass……….. Rest softly little one xoxo


MELANIE 16/6/12

Melanie (born Oct 2011) was rescued from the pound with her foster mum Mitzy. She enjoyed lots of love and affection in her short life. She passed away unexpectedly and is greatly missed by all who knew and cared for her.

She will always have a place in our hearts.

Sleep softly, sweet girl


FLO 3rd January 2012 Ginger/White

Flo was much loved by Shane who rescued her from Death Row to foster and was planning on adopting her when old enough as she was only 6weeks old. We only had her in care 24 hrs from the pound before having to rush her to Kirawee vet then straight over to SASH where she was for the last 2 nights.
We all loved her too. She was so brave and tried so hard. This morning she had even started to eat independently, but she was too fragile. The vets at SASH tried everything, but in vain. They put it down to malnourishment, systemic infection and dehydration which is how she came to us from the pound.

Sleep in peace, little Flo


KIMBA November 2011
Kimba was the most precious little boy, so sweet and gentle, and Simone, Lisa, Sue and Michelle, who cared for him, loved him very much and all did their best to save him, but he was just too sick and weak when he came from the pound.

Sleep now in peace little one.


NIOBE 10/8/11

“Niobe was rescued along with her brothers and sister at just 4 weeks old. Being so young, not yet weaned, and having trouble eating on their own, I bottle-fed them in my arms until they could feed on their own. For two weeks straight, I pretty much lived with these pups attached to my hip, as we did the two-hourly feeds. Niobe was the smallest of the litter but by no means a pushover! When her siblings would pick on her, she would get the best of them eventually. When she wanted something, she wouldn’t be shy about letting us know. When she wanted snuggles, good luck trying to stop her!

Out of all of them, Niobe was the first to plant a kiss on my cheek. She loved her cuddles and snoozing on my lap. Her passing was very unexpected and the vets tried everything they could to save her, but it just wasn’t meant to be. And although she was only here for such a short time, she will forever be in my heart. I will always remember her and continue to fight for dogs and puppies just like her, to ensure they are all given the best possible chance at life. The most important thing dogs can have in their lives is love, and Niobe had so much of that from so many people.”.
RUPERT 12/6/11
Rupert is on the left in the photo with best friend Zelda, showing how gorgeous he was looking with David’s TLC.

Rupert was rescued from Death Row in September 2008 and had evidently been very much neglected. He became the beloved pet of David who lavished on him all the care, love and attention that had been missing in his previous life.
Unfortunately he had all too short a time with David and passed away due to a terminal kidney condition on 12th June 2011- He is sadly missed by all who knew him.

David has written the following poem in tribute to Rupert


A broken body but a spirit so strong
You came to us and we did belong
We loved you so and watched you flourish
And cared and helped your body to nourish
Your time with us was far too brief
And now we are consumed with so much grief
The happiness you brought and the times we shared
Have enriched our lives and cannot be compared
Oh beloved Rupert we shall miss you forever
And in our hearts you will be there ever
Fly free our beautiful boy
You who brought us so much joy

Fly Free Sweet Boy


PIPPIN 15/11/10
Pippin was the smallest of Clementine’s black and white kittens, rescued the day after he was born at the pound. He was very small but determined and was doing well until his mother fell sick with the flu and was unable to feed her kittens. Pip and Kathi then became a great hand-feeding duo and enjoyed many lovely quiet feeding times together. After Clementine recovered Kathi continued to hand-feed, trying to help Pip put on extra weight and build up his strength. Sadly the flu caught up with Pip and he just wasn’t strong enough to fight it off. He died on 15 Nov 2010, at only 3 weeks old. We will always remember his lovely little spirit.

Run free little one..



HONEY August 2010

Honey was adopted by Natalie in September 2009 and became a much loved and loving friend and was very precious to Natalie.

Honey will always have a place in Natalie’s heart and be remembered & loved for all time.

Sleep Softly.




March 2010 – Our lovely little Meg became sick unexpectedly. Her foster carer gave her the best care possible. She was syringe feeding her for over a week but sadly Meg had to be euthanised on our vet’’s advice because she was not responding, and was continuing to deteriorate quickly.

Meg was happy and loved during her short time with us and will be sadly missed but will always remain in our thoughts.

Rest in Peace, our Meg..

LINUS 16/3/10
21/2/10 – Little Linus was diagnosed with flea anaemia, he had suffered extreme blood loss due to fleas which came with him from the pound.

8/3/10 – Linus responded well to his emergency blood transfusion, but suddenly deteriorated a week later. We rushed him to Kirrawee vet hospital but his little heart was too weak, and sadly he slipped away quickly.

He was a precious little boy, so sweet and gentle.
He will be in our hearts always.

Sleep softly little one.



TIGGER (plastic bag kitty) 12/2/10
Little Tigger (centre) was found with his 2 sisters (Chocco, black, & Mia, Tabby)  tied up in a plastic bag on 2 Feb 2009. Sue has been caring for them and has just advised us that sadly he has passed over.

“It is with great sadness I am reporting the passing of brave little Tigger.  Tigger was always a calm little character, late to awake and loved to lie on his back and play with my fingers.  We can never know what internal injuries may have happened to the poor little bag babies as they lay slowly suffocating inside that bag on such a hot day.  All I can say is that Tigger was warm, happy and well loved in his short life and that he passed peacefully in his sleep”

May you sleep in peace little one



INGRID 11/2/10

Ingrid was Wendy’s much loved rabbit.
Unfortunately she ate something she was not supposed to, and sadly died from an internal blockage.
She is greatly missed.

Sleep softly now little one..



LILY 4/2/10

Lily became sick suddenly and was rushed to the vet by Michelle for tests. Lily’s test results came back and her condition was much worse than Michelle and the vet feared, she was in fact riddled with cancer. Michelle asked her vet if they could operate and he said that it would kill her. She was unable to drink or eat at all and was put to sleep on Thursday 4th February as she was suffering greatly.
Lily had become a much loved pet and she is greatly missed by Michelle and all who knew her.

Rest now in peace.






Lovely Sylvester ‘Syllie’ died suddenly on Australia Day. His family miss him dearly and are devastated. He will always have a place in their hearts and never be forgotten.
They will all meet again one day at Rainbow Bridge.

Until that day, sleep softly.






BEAR (JORDAN ) 8 /1/10

It is with great sadness that I advise you that my beautiful baby boy Jordan or Bear as we later named him who we adopted from you passed away today he was 8 months old, much too young.

We raced him to the vets yesterday as he had stopped eating and was very lethargic, following an x-ray that he had he was booked for emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction, which they did this morning however once they started the operation they found that it wasn’’t an obstruction in his bowel but a tumour in his abdomen wrapped around his small bowel, a portion of his bowel had also started to turn purple, they also noticed spots on all 4 lobes of his liver. The vet believes that he had previously contracted a virus which had caused a mutation,  the disease was very advanced.

Following the vet’s advice we decided to end his suffering and he never woke up following the operation. It was very peaceful.

He will be deeply missed and will never be forgotten. Mel



LILY 20/8/09
Brave little Lily tried so hard to get well, but sadly, in spite of all the treatment and care she received,  it was not to be. Lily was loved and had a lovely home with Heather for the short time she was allowed to be with us. She is sadly missed by Heather and all of us.
Sleep softly little girl..
Beautiful wee SYLVIE 19/7/09

Wee Sylvie passed away very suddenly without any warning leaving her loving family devastated. Lyn wrote about her beloved Sylvie.
Sylvie was a vital part of my life-She was a unique individual, whom I had been drawn to from the moment I saw her on your website.  Her engaging ways, her rapid movements, her (sometimes demanding) vocalisations-everything about her was precious to me.  Her fur, which had been quite rough, had become softer and softer.  She had come through that enormous series of operations (and her fur had grown over that).  She was my companion (more so than my 2 boys) and baby, and it was a joy to come home to her each day.  She was also a good watch-cat-bringing my attention to any unusual activity in the area!  To say I am distressed is an understatement!!  We had looked forward to many many happy years with Sylvie, and I cannot imagine life without her.

I want to say how grateful I am that someone saved Sylvie from death row, someone nurtured her until she could be adopted, and that I had the privilege of being with her, even for such a short time.  Her life was very significant, and I am desperately sorry that it was cut short.

Thank you to you Michelle, and to all the foster carers-I knew I appreciated Sylvie, but had not realised until she was suddenly taken from me, what an enormous influence her life was on us.

with best wishes, Lyn

Sleep softly till we meet again at Rainbow Bridge







Tinkerbelle (tortoiseshell girl) & Jellybean (charcoal boy) were approx 5 or 6wks old when rescued from Death Row and both were suffering from Cat Flu. They were both gorgeous friendly little kittens. They were taken to the vet straight from the pound but unfortunately were too weak to survive.and they passed over to Rainbow Bridge. They will have a place in our memories always..

Sleep softly now in peace little ones.


RILEY March 2009

Riley was 6 weeks old when rescued but unfortunately was not meant to be with us for long even though he was given lots of love and TLC.

Sleep softly little boy we miss you


“In the Candle’s Glow”
Laura Hickman

Warm light coming from far below,
Twinkling, sparkling is the candle’s glow.
All is well up on the ridge,
The place we know as Rainbow Bridge.

Furbabies sleeping in heaven’s light,
Tended by candles in the night.
Peaceful dreams be theirs to keep,
As they slumber in this night so deep.

Hearts on earth that miss them so,
Take comfort in the candle’s glow.
Watching for them in skies above,
Bound eternally by a cord of love.


CINDY-LOU 16 February 2009



Cindy-Lou was only 6wks old when she lost her battle with life. She was rescued with her sister Snowflake.

Rest in Peace little one
ROSE 30 January 2009 (10mths old)
Our lovely Rose,
Even though your life was short, it was happy and you knew that you were well loved.

Sleep in peace now, little Rose
We will meet again at Rainbow Bridge.






“Remember Our Love”
Julie Epp

I was chosen today
I’m learning to fly
the world took me away,
but please don’t you cry
And I chose you today
to try and be strong
so please don’t you cry
and don’t say that I’m gone.

When you’re feeling alone
just remember our love,
I’m up near the stars
looking down from above.
Remember our love
In a moment you’ll see
that I’m still here beside you
when you’re thinking of me.



COOKIE 25/10/08,  SPIKE 30/10/08,  STELLA 31/10/08,  ROXY 3/11/08

.                                   Cookie                                                 Spike                                                              Stella                                                   Roxy

To our tiny Cookie who we all loved so much. You were born to Maisie on 28/9/08 after her rescue from Death Row and had 4 brothers and sisters.  You were always much smaller than your siblings but seemed to be determined to catch up with them.
You were cherished and loved but unfortunately you were just not strong enough to make it and quietly passed away 25/10/08. We are all devastated especially both your foster mums in who’s hearts you had already taken a place.

To our little Spike and Stella, who we loved and cherished just as much. We gave you the best care possible but unfortunately you passed away on 30th and 31st Oct’08. We were so hoping that you would make it, your foster mum worked so hard feeding you every 1 & half hours to build you up, but sadly it was not to be.
3/11/08 Sadly our little Roxy died tonight also. We miss you all so much as even though you were with us for such a short while we all fell in love with all of you.

Sleep softly in peace little ones. You will always be remembered.



DARREN 4 April 2008

Darren, you were our sweet and gentle little boy, rescued from Death Row at the pound. At about 5 weeks of age, you were noticeably smaller than your two sisters. Whilst you weren’t lucky enough to still have your own mother, you were part of a family who loved you, two little sisters, Tabitha and Samantha and a loving foster mother, Jenny.  Whilst Jenny only had you about a week, she is so grateful that during that time you had play time, a warm bed and a full tummy, and you were happy. Jenny was sure you knew she loved you, because you would come up to her when called, and give her a little kiss. When you suddenly became ill, she rushed you to the vet who did everything possible to save you, but sadly you slipped away, quietly. You had won a place in Jenny’s heart, little Darren. She has officially adopted you. You’ll be in her heart and her family always.

Sleep softly little boy. See you at the Rainbow Bridge..


‘LUCKY’ 5 January 2008

To our little Lucky, you lost your grip on life and passed away quietly in your sleep on 5th Jan 2008. You were only 8weeks old. You had survived being thrown from a car in a bag with your siblings and being reversed over. Jenny your foster carer says you were the most precious little boy, so happy, trusting and affectionate and she loved you so much. Jenny has officially adopted you and has organised a cremation through Pets at Peace. You knew you were loved by her up to the end. We all miss you so much.

Sleep softly little boy, we’ll always love you


I’ll lend you for a while, a little pet GOD said!
For you to cherish while she lives, and mourn for when she’s dead.
It may be more than fifteen years, or only two or three.
But will you, till I call her home, look after her for me?

She’ll bring her love to gladden you, and should her stay be brief,
She’ll leave you many memories, as comfort to your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay, since all from Earth return,
But there are things she wants to show, and lots for your to learn

I’ve looked the whole world over, in search for masters true,
And from the throng that crowds life’s lane, at last I’ve chosen you.
Now will you give her all your love, nor think your labour vain.
Nor turn against me when I come to take her home again?


‘PRINCESS’ January 2008

Princess! Cath and Phil chose you because they wanted to save a precious life from the pound. They took you home, gave you lots of love, toys, good food and a soft bed. Then you fell sick, so they rushed you to the vet and visited you at every opportunity, they never gave up hope and were so sure that you would pull through. You were their precious little girl. They were so devastated when you did not recover and, although they only had you with them for such a short time, you had won a place in their hearts. The vet has  made up one of your little paw prints as a keepsake for them, so they will always have that special reminder of you. You will always remain in their hearts.

Rest in Peace our little Princess.




“We’ll see you all at the Rainbow Bridge..”

The Rescuers Final Reward

by Jim OBrien

Unlike most days at the Rainbow Bridge, this day dawned cold and gray.
All the recent arrivals at the Bridge did not know what to think, as they had never seen such a day. But the animals who had been waiting longer for their beloved people to accompany them across the Bridge knew what was happening, and they began to gather at the pathway leading to the Bridge.

Soon an elderly dog came into view, head hung low and tail dragging.
He approached slowly, and though he showed no sign of injury or illness, he was in great emotional pain. Unlike the animals gathered along the pathway, he had not been restored to youth and vigor upon arriving at the Bridge. He felt out of place, and wanted only to cross over and find happiness.

But as he approached the Bridge, his way was barred by an angel, who apologized and explained that the tired and broken-spirited old dog could not cross over. Only those animals accompanied by their people were allowed to cross the Bridge. Having nobody, and with nowhere else to turn, the dog trudged into the field in front of the Bridge.

There he found others like himself, elderly or infirm, sad and discouraged. Unlike the other animals waiting to cross the Bridge, these animals were not running or playing. They simply were lying in the grass, staring forlornly at the pathway across the Rainbow Bridge. The old dog took his place among them, watching the pathway and waiting.yet not knowing for what he was waiting.

One of the newer dogs at the Bridge asked a cat who had been there longer to explain what was happening. The cat replied, “Those poor animals were abandoned, turned away, or left at rescue places, but never found a home on earth. They all passed on with only the love of a rescuer to comfort them. Because they had no people to love them, they have nobody to escort them across the Rainbow Bridge.”

The dog asked the cat, “So what will happen to those animals?” Before the cat could answer, the clouds began to part and the cold turned to bright sunshine. The cat replied, “Watch, and you will see.”

In the distance was a single person, and as he approached the Bridge the old, infirm and sad animals in the field were bathed in a golden light.
They were at once made young and healthy, and stood to see what their fate would be. The animals who had previously gathered at the pathway bowed their heads as the person approached. At each bowed head, the person offered a scratch or hug. One by one, the now youthful and healthy animals from the field fell into line behind the person. Together, they walked across the Rainbow Bridge to a future of happiness and unquestioned love.

The dog asked the cat, “What just happened?” The cat responded, “That was a rescuer.
The animals gathered along the pathway bowing in respect were those who had found their forever homes because of rescuers. They will cross over when their people arrive at the
Bridge. The arrival here of a rescuer is a great and solemn event, and as a tribute they are permitted to perform one final act of rescue. They are allowed to escort all those poor animals they couldn’t place on earth across the Rainbow Bridge.”

The dog thought for a moment, then said, “I like rescuers.”
The cat smiled and replied, “So does heaven, my friend. So does heaven”

Comments would be appreciated by the author,  Jim OBrien
