We just love to hear how our adopted pets are going in their new homes.
Email us a “Postcard” with your photos, stories and poems, and we will publish them here.
Dolce and Dior & new friend Hope

Laila January 2017
Bonnie and Maddy
November 2016 – Bonnie and Maddy have settled in very well with Laura. They have explored the entire apartment and are happy and content as these photos show
Jasper came to live with us in 2013 after we lost, to old age and blindness, another rescue cat we had and miss terribly, to fill the void and give another cat a chance at a normal life.
Jasper is a big boof, he lovingly head butts your leg, arm, chair and door to gain entry or exit somewhere quickly, and bounds the wooden stairs like an elephant, hoping you’ll chase him.
It has taken some time to get a real meow that can be heard from him and now after 3 years his almost non-existent purr is coming to life. He has tried to show his authority by sleeping in all the beds we have for our other cat and small dog, but they all get on famously. Jasper is a big boy, doesn’t like to be picked up but he loves a shoulder and belly rub from those he knows well enough. We wouldn’t be without him.
Sharon 27/1/16
Thelma and Louise (now Pippa and Laura)
Hi Michelle, David and Rachel,
It’s been over 4 years since I adopted Thelma and Louise (now Pippa and Laura) from you. You have expanded so much (good on you), I wonder if you still remember them! I thought I would drop you a line to let you know they are doing well. They still delight me every day, and I am so grateful to you for saving their lives. Laura delights in affection; she starts purring when I kiss her sister! The two are still devoted to each other.
Here are some photos:
Anne 10/6/15
Jemima and Pippa (renamed Jessie)
March 2014 Some photos of the gorgeous girls in their new home
They are beautiful little girls. We were definitely right about Jessie (cheeky & mischievous) whereas Jemima is much more of a follower and follows in Jessie?s footsteps but both have a beautiful nature.
Kind Regards, Melissa
Dear David
Thank you so much for Savannah she loves us and her new pussycat mates, she is so friendly to them kisses noses with Ivy, kisses noses with Clover. My husband adores her, you have made us very happy she is a lovely wonderful cat. She has settled in so well. It is like she has been with us forever. She loves eating her vegetables with her meat and fish. She is always purring and happy. She loves her toys. She loves sleeping on our bed .
Some photos attached of Savannah very happy and contented. Thank you again for letting Savannah come to our home she is now part of our family and we love and adore her. She has settled in so quickly .
Kind Regards Dianne 7/2/14
Winnie, Benji and Ollie adopted from Death Row at Renbury Farm
19/12/13 Hi Lucy,
My husband, Dennis, and I adopted 3 sibling kittens today from Renbury farm. 8 week old pair of males and a sister, found in Liverpool. Thank you to your site. They were on death row, for today 3pm.
We are so excited to have them home. We’ve named them Winnie, Benji and Ollie. Attached is a pic. Our kitties join a family of 2 adult cats and 2 bunnies 🙂
I’ve also attached another photo collage I made, titled “Our 1st Day In Our New Forever Home”
Thank you Sydney Pet Rescue and Adoption, for all your work in saving precious little lives.
Warm thanks,
Ana and Dennis
BEBE (ex Maisie)
Wendy 27/1/13
Hi Kris and Michelle,
Hope you had a lovely Christmas.
Missy and Hugo are doing great.
They’ve settled into their new routine superbly and have become a part of the family. Both of my girls and my husband adore them, and my girls will argue over who will let them out of the laundry in the morning and race downstairs for the privilege. They have also decided that it is entirely unfair that Missy has a middle name “Moo” so now Hugo is also called “Hugo Moo”.
Hugo is a so funny – He will try to push in when they are getting their daily brush and if I am sitting on the carpet – he will plonk himself on my lap and fall asleep.
Missy is a bit more independent but she is always so much more excited when we come home – jumping up and trying to give lots of kisses.
I’ve attached some pics of Missy and Hugo.
Kind Regards, Monica
I adopted Emma Daisy in 2009.
Emma had some issues as all pound rescue dogs do. I had to study Emma’s behavior in order to understand her. Was she a stray? Was she abused? Was she abandoned? I did not know.
What I did know was that I loved her. And in time she would love me too.
Emma displayed uncertainty. She was nervous and anxious and unpredictable.
Emma also had aggression issues towards dogs and humans.
Overcoming her issues took time, patience, love and understanding.
People make the mistake of assuming that a dog should show them loyalty and respect first. What they don’t understand is the dog didn’t choose them, they chose the dog. Respect and loyalty are only gained once trust and confidence has been displayed so I knew the only way to gain her trust and respect was by showing my loyalty to her. She needed to know she could count on me to be there for her always. To guide her, teach her, nurture her, protect her and love her. Only then would she accept me.
Emma now displays her true nature and personality. Emma has a beautiful radiant soul that reflects in her eyes and smile. She is no longer aggressive towards dogs or humans. She is calm, affectionate and very loving. She is obedient and protective of my children and I and loves my other female dog. They play, swim, eat and sleep together. Emma now loves me as much as I love her. Emma knows she is a member of our family pack and Emma has taught me that in order to receive you must first give and that man is not a dogs best friend but a dog is a mans best friend and I’m privileged to have Emma as mine.
I want to thank Sydney Pet Rescue for rescuing Emma Daisy. You saved my best friends life.
Holly Emery.
It’s great to see how Emma’s owner loves her so much and has invested time and effort into helping Emma reach her true potential. Every pet deserves that commitment, and a secure and loving home for life.
SPRA never knowingly re homes animals with issues as described by Emma Daisy’s owner. SPRA engages training and behavioural support for dogs as needed to get them ready for re homing SPRA pet matches every new home carefully to ensure that individual animals are well matched with owners who are sufficiently experienced, committed and able to meeting the pet’s specific needs. SPRA also offers a minimum 4 week trial period for every adopted pet, during which progress on the adoption trial is monitored, to ensure that the pet is setting in well and the new owner is happy with and able to manage the pet. SPRA offers an extended adoption trial period for as long as the new owner needs to be sure that the adoption is secure and that they are happy and able to manage the pet
Michelle Alber
President SPRA
Hi David, here is a happy tabby from Sydney Pet Rescue – he is 4 months now and owns our house! Very loving cat although he has his moments. Thanks for all your help.
Carolyn 27/8/12
Hi Sonja,
Here’s a recent pic of the little boy for you, he’s going really well and getting bigger every day! He sits, stays, comes, high fives, waits until he’s told to eat, and he walks really well off the leash. They get along really well now and love to wrestle pretty much all day long.
Tim 1/7/12
Millie with my friend’s youngest daughter at the park.. hahaha!
How patient is Millie!
Anita 21/6/12
Just had to share 🙂 He’s settled so well! This is him with my mum’s dog. He snuggles just as much with her other cat too.
Chris 10/5/12
Hi David
Here’s a pic of me and Lottie. She is absolutely gorgeous – very affectionate and we have all fallen in love with her. Our other cat Lily is taking her time to adjust but seems to be getting a little better each day.
Thanks for your help with us adopting Lottie.
Donna x 1/6/12
Hi Sonja,
We adopted our pup Panda from Sydney pet rescue almost a year and we’re just in love! She is the smartest, sweetest dog and she has become such an wonderful member to our family. She is part Shar-pei and was having problems with her eyes when we first got her, she has now fully grown into her skin and has had no further problems with them.
Just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do and I have attached a couple pictures of Panda!
Thanks, Rebecca and Tim 31/5/12
Hello David,
Matilda is growing bigger each day and is very confident and funny. She and Tinker are getting along really well – they spend hours chasing each other around the house and up and down the stairs.
I have a couple of photos – Matilda flaked out on the sofa and Matilda watching Minuscules on ABC just before the 7.00pm news. Tinkerbell is watching Matilda!
Best wishes, Juliet (and James) 22/5/12
BENNY(now Patrick) & CHARLOTTE(now Nikoletta)
Dear Lucy,
We are so happy that my partner and I decided to adopt these two amazing cats. They have always been close since they were kittens and seem inseparable even now that they are older. They are always playing together and sleeping together and cleaning each other.We recently started leaving the back door open to let them out into the courtyard, but they both seem scared to venture out, and constantly sit at the doorway looking out. Last night they both crept out for a quick exploration but ran back in quickly after a car backfired. Having decided to move to a bigger place, we hope that they will have more room to run around too! Thanks again for all the good work that you do!
Niki and James 23/4/12

Hope you are both well.
Just wanted to bring you up to date with Cleo – I think a photo says more than words, so here is the dominant predator, who has kicked her best mate, Bella, off her mat (Dog concertinas up and fits on the cat mat):
Lesley 23/4/12
SAMBO & CHARLIE(renamed Harry)
in their new home with Michelle Feb 2012
Hi David,
Sorry to have taken so long for the pictures.
The children are doing well and looking forward to their first vet visit tomorrow.
Thanks for your help.
Regards, Jeff 3/2/12
BONNIE (renamed Cleo)
Dear David and Belinda
Just thought I’d give you an update on Cleo. She could not be more at home! She sleeps on everyone’s beds but prefers a lap to any other place. For example, here on son Oliver’s lap, watching the tennis:
She has quite taken to our dog, who is so very gentle with her, and never approaches her of her own volition. Instead Cleo goes up to her and touches noses.
We are all smitten with her. She has a wonderful nature. A few more photos of her romping around in the morning:
She won’t drink from a bowl, but drinks from all of our water glasses! Hilarious!
Hope you aren’t wanting her back at all!
Kind regards, Lesley January 2012
Dear Michelle,
Possum turned 4 on the 2nd December and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. I have attached a very cute photo of my dear little fellow. He is so scrumptious and the funniest cat I have ever met.
Thank you for all the good work you do for animals.
Kindest regards, Jacquie 7/12/11
Please see below for the update on Guinness.
We don’t know what we ever did before him. He provides us with endless joy (and lots of early mornings) !
From Liz and Alan 28/11/11

I have settled very well into my new home, making lots of friends around the neighbourhood and at puppy training classes.I am mostly a good boy (I try to be!), but I am very excitable and sometimes get a bit obsessed with playing with my toys.
I have a toy box, with lots of different toys and sometimes I even play (chew) the toy box. I am on my third Frisbee.
I love people. I like to say hello to everyone on my walk, especially children who always seem to be having heaps of fun.
I have escaped once. I was found with the lollipop lady at the local school who kindly called my mum and dad for me. I just wanted to try school out for a day and make sure the kids got across the road safely. Mum and I are looking forward to Christmas as I think I might be getting some new toys and I’ve heard rumours of a turkey too.
I do miss Darren and all my friends at Matraville but I am very happy with my new life.
NOVA (renamed TASHA)

Hi There,
My name is Tasha and I used to be known as Nova,
I was adopted by a family of 3 humans and 2 cats. They spoil me rotten ( the humans that is) and I love them heaps. I sleep wherever I like inside the house. I love to go for walks and go to the beach. I have lots and lots and lots of energy and I am always tiring my humans out. My favourite toy is the tennis ball and my favourite game with the ball is to accidentally (ha ha) push it under the bed so my humans have to get the baseball bat, lay on the floor and push the ball out from under the bed with it, I do this lots and it annoys them but they still love me, probably because I am so cute and I always have a big smile on my face all the time. I also like to eat pillows, cushions, blankets, cat beds and my bed.
My fellow animals the cats, tolerate me. I love to tease them and chase them. The older one Max is grumpy but loves to put up his little cat paws and duke it out with me, sometimes his claws hurt me but I keep going back for more, Jessie the other cat doesn’t like me at all really he just hisses at me but I still chase him. Even though we have our fights, when it comes to bedtime sometimes we all end up sleeping together on the lounge or best of all in winter time when the fire is lit we all sleep together in front of it. Funny isn’t it.
I have a cousin that comes to visit from Canberra, he is a shih tzu and we play all the time and have a good time. I can’t wait for him to visit again. The cats don’t like him either. No pleasing them cats hey.
I have included 2 pictures – one when I was a baby and the other when I was ten months old. I will be one year old on Christmas eve. Yay! lots more presents for me. My name Tasha means Christmas in Russian. My owners didn’t know that when they named me, what a coincidence.
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.
Woof Woof
Tasha 28/11/11
Hi Sonja,
Sending through some photos of our lovely Ranger..
He has been the most fabulous family addition we could have asked for. Ranger now resides with my mum and dad. He is loving the one-on-one attention from my dad in particular. As a retiree, you can imagine he has more spare time on his hands than he knows what to do with (much to my mothers dismay).. I think Ranger is the son my dad never had, and as a result has been spoilt rotten! I’m slightly concerned he will decide that living with my parents is a far better option as he is now an ‘indoor’ dog. It appears my dad is concerned primarily about the weather, therefore if there is even a chance of rain (let me tell you i’ve never seen someone check the weather forecast so frequently – all for the sake of where the dog sleeps!) Ranger is happily snoring in the loungeroom all night long.
It has certainly been a lifestyle change for dad however. The 630 am wakeup call of doggy breath is something he will simply have to learn to deal with if he insists on allowing Ranger the run of the house! Dad is a little upset that Rangers old sleeping routine is no longer in action. He used to put himself to bed at 7.30 every night, but now decides its much more fun in his new surroundings to stay up until the whole household has turned in for the night. Rohan and I had originally been somewhat offended when Ranger took himself off to bed so early. We felt it was a personal attack! It didn’t take us long to realise it was actually quite a fabulous habit of his..
Unfortunately I don’t believe Ranger will ever be a companion to felines of any sort. My dream for a cat and a dog in the same household has been dashed. I am forever hearing stories of Ranger and the local dog-chasing cat. It appears this particular feline delights in a little doggy torment. It waits outside its front gate for any unsuspecting dog to wander on past. Even crossing the street doesn’t deter it and it proceeds to follow you hoping for some confrontation! Ranger, the poor darling is the biggest wuss I have ever met, and spends the entire walk down that street looking behind him, waiting for it to strike. I’ve really never seen anything like it. This cat is one determined creature!
We are slowly teaching Ranger to swim.. And when I say slowly, you can’t truly comprehend the patience we have.. For an intelligent dog, he really is clueless! So far the only swimming that is ever achieved is when the tide is in and he is blissfully unaware of such fact. There is an unexpected ‘plop’ into the water, followed by some frantic paddling until he reaches solid ground. This is when his version of ‘swimming’ ensues. As seen in one of the photos, he waddles around refusing to get his tail or head wet..
He’s an absolutely adorable, cuddly, sweet natured (and a little cheeky) boy and we love him to bits!
Thank you so much for allowing us to find such an incredible creature. We are blessed to have him.
Charlotte 27/11/11

Hi Sonja,
Merlin has been the subject of my latest hobby – taking lots of photo’s!
He’s been a super boy and a great addition to our family. He’s very gentle with kids and adults and cats. Not so good with other dogs when he’s on the leash still, but plays well when other dogs come for a visit.
We go for bike rides in the afternoons when it is cooler and he runs for miles!! We’re pretty sure he’s a Bull Arab type rather than staffie cross but I guess we’ll never know for sure. He hates water and hoses so this last week while it’s been raining he’s been hiding on the deck, refusing to step on the grass, what a sook!
He turned two on the second of November and we’ve loved having him around, thanks to you guys for rescuing him.
Have a good Chrissie,
Cheers, Kate 26/11/11
PIPPA & LAURA (ex Thelma & Louise)

Hi all,
I thought I’d send you some recent photos of Thelma and Louise (renamed to Pippa and Laura). They have both fully grown into small cats. They are doing well and have not had any bouts of cat ‘flu since the early days. I am so happy and grateful that I had the privilege of adopting them. Their relationship with each other is a delight to watch.
Anne 20/11/11

Here he is – this photo was taken in March 2010 – his tummy now hangs a bit over the windowsill !!
This is his favourite spot on the kitchen windowsill. You will notice a bowl there – he will only drink his water from there or the shower floor….
I am not sure if he had his pen and paper fetish with you but he certainly does have one now. We cannot leave any pens or paper lying on the table, if he finds the pens they get thrown around the unit and any paper just gets chewed up and/or shredded.
Overall he is still a very loveable boy particularly when it suits him!!
Jenny 11/11/11

Belle is currently living her days with a wonderful family where she is spoilt for space, attention and love. She has a room to herself attached to the family’s kitchen and where dad is close by as he works from home. It is the two girls Maya and Lulu who take care of her the most, cleaning her litter trays and feeding her hay and greens, watching her when she is in the outdoor playpen and giving her lots of pats down on her level. These girls have done so much research and asked so many questions to make sure they care for Belle properly and are respecting her as a bunny- it is very refreshing to meet two very intelligent and compassionate girls who aren’t interested in a rabbit as a toy. As a result they have earned Belle’s trust and tell me that she runs up to them when they enter the room and bows her head for pats. We wish Belle the best for her new life!
TIFFANY(ex JAZZY) & HARRIET(black/white)
Hi David,
Here are a couple more photos of the girls. Harriet has to be one of the most photogenic cats I’ve ever seen. Tiffany continues to settle in, she can still be quite flightly but on her terms is the most affectionate cat I’ve ever owned. She is happiest with humans when they are lying in bed – maybe she feels threatened with our height.
I have been feeding her some meat which she demolishes. She now weighs 3.4 kg (although she still feels like a feather) up from 2.7 when she came. Harriet on the other hand was 5 kg when we got her, ate us out of house & home & quickly went to 5.5. She is 5.8 at the moment & when weighed at the vet last week had only put on 20 gms in the last year
Cheers, Margaret

This is Tammy (Tim Tam). On May the 16th, it is my first anniversary of being with Pam and Mike. I have a lovely home and a garden where I climb trees, get on roofs and capture lizards. I stay around with Pam and Mike most of the day as they are retired and always at home. I have to be inside by 5.30pm to watch T.V. and play soccer with my little ball. In the late afternoon we all sit at the bottom of the garden (see the photo ) and relax. I sometimes get there a bit early but I always know my seat. It’s the one in the middle. I have tried to be good but when I forget and do a bit of nipping they are very patient and forgive me because they know my early life was not too happy. They say I’m a good companion.
I thought you would like to see some photos of me.
Special meows and maybe just one love nip
Tammy Ashby 29/4/11
ABBY-dark torti


She is a very clean cat without hardly any bad habits. When I am in the living room Poppy would be somewhere around and if I go to bed Poppy will follow soon after. Most of the night she sleeps in my bed, some nights she seems to stay there all night.
Another thing I very much appreciate is that she does not act demanding. She never came up to push me for food unless she knows I am actually working on it. If it is weekend and I sleep in, she never comes to wake me up, she would stay on the bed until I get up, even if this happens at 11:00 am.
Best regards, Bernd

I hope you still remember Eloise. She has had a trying time with her Gingivitis, after many many trials and tribulations we are at a point where it is manageable at last, still have to see the vet at least twice a month if not more. Anyway after one of her treatments we discovered she has diabetes. She now has an insulin injection twice a day.
Boy has she become a fussy eater. Have to cook her little delicate meals. Loves cream . She is very happy and much loved. She spends much of her day on my husband lap as he works from home. This is what they do (picture) Loves the T.V. Eloise has become a little fatty now, very spoilt and much loved. Milo has had his 19th Birthday. He was given 6 weeks to live 92 weeks ago. Has a tumor in the pituitary gland and is totally blind but manages his way around very well. Eloise cuddles up to him in the afternoons. Won’t tell you what my vet bill has been to date. Ha Ha Eloise is worth every penny. Lots of love from all of us.
Nikki Feb 2011
SAMIE (Assisted rehoming)
Today Leoni and Samie were happily sunning themselves on the daybed together while watching the skinks run around (see attached).
kind regards, Meryl

Hi Carole,
Aw she’s so lovely! We have been home for about an hour or so and Leoni has been busily inspecting my bedroom. I’ll keep her confined to this one room for the first few days so she knows this room will always be her place of refuge. I’m sitting in here with her doing some programming while she settles in. The kitty litter is setup in my en-suite and she has a nice private little nest to hide herself in to rest next to my side of the bed. She is checking everything out and her favourite spot appears to be looking out of the window to watch our magpies on the front lawn and the butterflies in the buddleia bush. She is just gorgeous and has just come up and smooched me and mewed for a pat while I’m writing to you 🙂
Yesterday afternoon Leoni welcomed Andrew (my son) at the top of the stairs with a chirruping-mew when he came home from work. He gave her a pat and she proceeded to follow him around the house to check him out. Then she had a big play running around the house and bounding about playing with the fluffy-tinsel balls we use as cat-toys. Later, when my husband came home Leoni gave him a big smooch (that’s more than he gets from me LOL) and she jumped up on his lounge chair footrest to sit with him while he watched the news. She has already won their hearts!
Last night she slept at the foot of my bed. In the morning she quickly tired from following the boys around as they were getting ready for work so she sat at the central axis point of activity, at the balustrade of the stairs (photo), and watched them both go about their preparations.
Tuesday 14/12/10 Leoni has settled in so incredibly well that today I have given her full run of the house already. She often rolls over onto her back asking for a tummy rub and she paddy-paws (knits) the air when I’m stroking her tummy. She has been following me around all day today, and she curled up beside me on the lounge while I did some programming work during the middle of the day.
cheers, Meryl
Hello Jessica and David.
Thought you might like to hear how well Periwinkle has settled in to East Sydney.
She is a most delightful girl and has lots of personality and is extremely affectionate.
It took a couple of days of hiding under my bed before she ventured out and started to explore her new home. Clearly she found it satisfactory and is now very happy and comfortable here. She will even spend the night sleeping on the end of my bed so she can keep an eye on me it seems.
During the day she sleeps on my office chair if it is vacant and around my neck if I happen to be working at my desk. She will often follow me around the unit talking constantly. At night she refuses to let my lap go empty and spends hours on me or next to me when I am watching television. She is not a “one person” cat though – immediately any friends arrive she is up and out to check them out and the moment they sit down on my lounge she is up and on their laps. Quite a social young lady. Good job I am not the jealous type.
So all in all – this has turned out extremely well and I am very happy with the situation. Thank you both very much.
Kind regards
Trevor 13/10/10
Hi David and Simone,
Just thought I’d send you a quick message to let you know Scotty is doing well. He’s totally settled in and is truly boss of the house. Can’t imagine not having him. I’ve attached some photos so you can see how he’s getting on.
Caroline & Scotty x 12/10/10
Hi David,
I was just recommending your site to my daughter (also a cat lover) when your email came through.
Treasure and Liebling are now known as Posh and Paris as we have recently discovered that they are both girls!! Paris (Liebling) is settling in beautifully; she is playful, friendly and a real social butterfly – just like Paris Hilton!
Maddie and Paris have had a few hissing sessions but are starting to tolerate each other – no major fights as yet.
Poor little Posh (Treasure) is still terrified and prefers to stay in her safe spot in the bathroom – I am letting her take her time adjusting to her new home, when I bring her out of the bathroom I just hold her and she seems quite content just to cuddle up in my arms – I think it is going to take a long time for her to relax and trust us.
I will keep you updated on their progress and will take some photos soon too.
Kind Regards, Tanya 4/10/10

Hi David,
She’s a sweet little cat and has settled into our family nicely now. Even my partner (who claims not to be a ‘cat’ person) loves her, to the point where he came home from the shops last week with her very own cat cushion. I took that to be a good sign 😉
Just so you know, we had to change her name to Charlie as my 2year old couldn’t pronounce Kizmat.
Thanks,Rebecca 5/9/10

The trio are settling in well. Oliver was the first to acclimatise now followed by Orlando. Olivia still remains a little reticent but I am sure that will change soon now that she has seen her brothers settling down. Attached are some photos.
We are very happy and of course want to keep them
Thanks, Chris 24/8/10

Hi David
Here are some updated pictures of the triplets
Chris 26/10/10
MIA ( Plastic bag Baby)

I just wanted to give you an update on Mia. She is now eating which is great. In fact we have to keep her from eating Scooter’s food.:) Scooter is absolutely smitten with her. She is completely at home in her new surroundings. She is still timid when we have guests over and hides but so does Scooter.
Thanks again for everything, Caitlin, 25/7/10
Photo of Mia with Scooter, Cheers Caitlin, 24/8/10

Hi David,
I’m delighted with Fur and Izzy! They’ve settled in beautifully and are well and truly enjoying the run of the house.
I’ve attached some cute photos of Fur (in the box) and Izzy, as requested. They’ve become rather attached to my spare bedroom bed, and I’ve put both ‘cat beds’ on there so they can be warm and comfy! I was sitting on the sofa last night with one cat on either side dozing away. It was a bit crowded, mostly because they both stretched out, and took up lots of space!
Thanks again, Rosalind 17/8/10
BLUEY (now known as BLUEBELL)

We trialled Bluebell’s adoption for a couple of months, as we weren’t sure whether our alpha cat, Wilbur, would accept a new addition to the family, or whether Bluey would be happy with us, after so long in foster care with Lucy and her four feline friends.
It didn’t take long for Bluebell to come out of her shell and become very affectionate with us… And every human visitor who came to say hello to her! She is still a little shy towards Wilbur, who likes to hide and pounce on her, chasing her away to make sure she remembers who is boss. But Bluey is sticking up for herself more and more these days, and has been recently seen chasing Wilbur!
Bluey is discovering new and comfy sleeping spots around the house, and is really letting her cheeky personality show through. She loves chasing shoelaces and batting balls around. If you roll a ball towards her, she bats it straight back to you – her aim is impeccable! She loves her meat and is always first to finish her dinner. She loves a good pat and always comes to greet you with headbutts and purrs. She is sweet and gentle – a real lady. Wilbur is slowly getting used to her and chasing her less. Hopefully some day soon they will be good friends.
Many, many thanks to Lucy, Bluey’s long-term foster carer, who was a huge source of support to us throughout this adoption process. Lucy’s dedication and care for her rescue cats is truly amazing. Her advice and friendship really helped us through, and with her support, we have been able to finally give Bluebell her furever home.
Best wishes, Jane, 27/7/10
MILO (white nose) & REBEL (renamed WHISKEY)

I have attached a couple of photos.
Thanks, Sue & Leah 13/7/10
Hi David and Maria,
Just to give you a little update on little Simba 🙂
Simmy/little boy/wizza has settled into his new home with Diamond and is VERY happy!
We love him to bits and his nature is quite shy which is a total contrast to Diamond.
Diamond has taken a fancy to him and he doesn’t mind one little bit, they play all night and rest and play during the day, it has actually gotten quite noisy from all the fun….
His appetite is still biscuits only (wont even consider any other type of food) but very healthy and at present he is sporting a little winter tummy!
Like Diamond he has taken to taps as a kitten and is always ready for his own personal watering when either of us are in a bathroom…
I have attached some photos for your amusement and in case you wish to add something to your website?
Cheers, JC 9/7/10
Hi Sonja,
I thought you might like a bit of an update on Wilbur and to see some photos (attached) too.
He’s still doing very well – he starts formal training in a few weeks just to be completely well mannered given his size but already he has learnt so much.
This weekend just gone we took yesterday off work and we went on a pet-friendly beach holiday – the dogs LOVED it and we couldn’t stop taking photos they were just being so cute all the time!
Anyway, all is very well.
Cheers, Camilla, 6/7/10
Hi Sonja, Darren,
Just a quick note to let you both know that ‘King Ziggy’ is firmly entrenched in the family and doing fantastic. He is extremely settled, sorted out his new environment and has us all jumping to his every need. We have lost a couple of shoes and bits and pieces but that goes with the territory of a puppy. He is absolutely beautiful. We have a great walking regime under way where he meets and plays with other dogs in our area.
I have made enquiries at our local dog training club as I think some further obedience classes would help being that he is a very strong dog in build and personality.
Attached is his favourite chair on our deck! As I said “King Ziggy” !!!!!!!!!!!
Many thanks to you both for all your help. Darren you have done a great job with him. For a puppy he is extremely well behaved and a pleasure to have. Thank God for people such as you both!
Have a lovely weekend,
HUGO(Bucket baby) & Smeagol (ginger)
“Hey David,
Hope this email finds you well. I have attached some pics to this email of the boys. One of the pictures is them playing on their fave toy…a monster size cat scratch gym!
Thanks David”
Brad and Curtis. 19/6/10
GYPSY-mum to Abby, Millie, Cassie, Sasha
“Hey Belinda,
Gypsy is doing really well, crazy little thing she is. She spends about half the day curled up with me and the other half chasing her tail…i thought only dogs did that hahaha.
She loves being outside stalking bugs in the grass and sitting with our next door neighbours cat in the garden. Shes acctually a fantastic climber too, she runs up trees and comes back down backwards with ease 🙂
Shes been sleeping under the covers with Luke and I now that its getting cold.
We honestly could not be happier with her. Heres some recent photos I’ve taken.
Hope you are doing well.”
Kara, 7/6/10

Here are the photos I promised you. From the photos you can see how well Tammy has settled in. This is the third week we have had her and she now moves freely from the garden to the house in her own time.
On all her papers she is Tim Tam, but in the family we call her Tammy.
Thanks again for all you do to save unwanted pets.
We love our Tammy”.
Pam and Mike” June 2010
Hi David,Thank you for matching us with our two lovely kittens.
Felix has been renamed Mittens and Romeo has been renamed Bolt. Both are characters from one of Andrew’s favourite movies. They both seem to be settling in beautifully and feel a good fit for our family.
We will send further updates in the future. They do have lovely voices, beeps and chirps!
Kindest regards, Robyn 9/6/10
Hi David,
Hope all is well. Happy to confirm the adoption of Fergus; he is wonderful.
I have attached some pictures of Fergus and our other cat Winston (ginger) who we also adopted through pet rescue.
Jamie and Gina 30/5/10

Hi again Sonja,
Here’s just a couple of pics of our first week with Merlin.
The last is Merlin with Rocco, my girlfriend’s Mastiff x Great Dane. He’s 18 months old and the two of them played for four hours non-stop, which was really good because we socialise with them all the time.
All the other photos were a blur because they wouldn’t keep still!!
Have a good one.
Cheers, Kate 3/5/10
SHEEN – a real success story, found her furever home after 4 years in foster care

Thought I would send you an update on our beloved Sheen – who is the “boss of the wash” by now. She’s blossomed into a confident and lovely natured
cat. No more hiding when the door bell rings or new people visit us. We of course adore her and she is very loving in return. Hope you’ll like the snapshots.
Best wishes from us three. Barrie, Mitzy and Sheen” April 2010
I am pleased to let you know that ‘Opal’ who is now known as Cleo has settled in very well to her new home with us. She was a little hesitant at first but has become more and more comfortable as the days have gone on.
I am very happy with the whole adoption process and would recommend Pet Rescue to anyone without hesitation.
The work that organisations like yours do is wonderful and gives so many cats a second chance that they so absolutely deserve.
I have attached a photo of Cleo for you and will keep you updated with her progress.
Thanking you very much…
Regards, Karen, Shaun and Cleo =^^=

This is Linus-Mango (previously called Rusty)
His life so far:
From such a small little kitten who was very ill to this boisterous man of a cat, Linus is fabulous! He is now getting on well with our other cat Moya. They play “kiss chase” as i like to call it. He loves having his belly scratched and talks to us when we enter the room. He can be a little cheeky and having copied our other cat enjoys drinking from running taps rather than his bowl. He loves having his photo taken and as you can see knows how to smile and strike a pose!
I am very happy that i managed to save Linus and give him a happy home. He makes me laugh and gets on well with the whole family. He has fitted in very well.
I think these photos show you how happy he is.
Thank you very much for bringing us together.
Kind Regards, Olivia
I’d like to confirm their adoption. Its all going well. Both have settled in nicely. They are getting on well together.
I’ve renamed Hans as Trim (as in Matthew Flinders cat) but am leaving Tabitha as is.
We’re very pleased with them, very loving and lovely cats. I’ve sent you a photo.
POSSUM (ex Ginger Mick)

Possum is now 2 years old and has the most beautiful temperament. I saw him on the Pet Rescue site 2 years ago, the night my gorgeous dad died. I couldn’t sleep and my girlfiend had given me this website so I was having a browse when I saw Poss. He was identical to the cat my dad had and loved so much, it was meant to be and I have never looked back. He actually mirrors my father’s personality, playful but stubborn! He loves cuddles but on his terms. If I am working at home and he feels like a bit of attention he will plonk himself on my work and I am such a softly he gets his way. The other way out without disturbing “Your Royal Highness” is to swivel the table round and that way the two of us remain happy!
Thanks Michelle for giving me such a wonderful little companion.
Regards, Jacquie 7/3/10

Both have now gotten to stage where they seem fine…
Diamond is very curious about Simba and follows him around for a while. He challenges her sometimes but there’s no aggression just play. Diamond is not ready to play too much yet although she gave a few chases, Simba pulls out of those as he is still not 100% about her and will whimper if she is too close or he feels cornered. Diamond just lies down and lets Simba run past without issue and he quickly turns around and challenges her again… Eventually Diamond gets bored with it all and goes sits in her own spot and relaxes.
We have tried to get them to play together (using laser light and string with toy) but that has had limited success so far. Diamond is down here in my office napping and Simba is upstairs in the loft amusing himself.
There is very rarely a hiss from either now only usually when one surprises the other and it ends in nothing. They touch noses every now and then and Simba has had a good sniff around as well..
Justin 23/2/10
MILO & ROXY (ex NOEL & GABI) Chrissy’s kittens
Just wanted to let you all know how much we are enjoying these gorgeous kittens. We bought our first ever piece of “Cat furniture” last week and they both love it – 4 storeys of cat heaven! Milo is “top dog” so gets the highest level for snoozing and Roxy takes the third floor. They are both eating well and growing fast.
Sue, the foil tip was spot on. We now have a silver house!!!!! It covers bar stools (gateway to the kitchen bench!), trunks of the plant in the kitchen, the edges of the kitchen table and the bottom two stairs. It is really effective. They have the kitchen/laundry when we are not around and all of downstairs when we are around and have made themselves quite at home.
We all feel very comfortable with them and know that we’ve made the right decision (for them and for us).From Sally, Rebecca and Liam, 21/2/10
FANTA our little survivor

I found Fanta just after losing my sister and he has been a blessing. Fanta is a very special and loving boy and has settled in wonderfully with my two poodles, Peppi and Bonnie. They fell in love with him instantly and he with us. He is a beautiful, handsome boy.
My thanks and gratitude go to Sydney Pet Rescue and Adoption
Nolene, 18/2/10

Love Nolene xxx 11/9/09 – and another pic at computer.
KAYAH (ex REGINA)-on right
With much perseverance, patience, and wonderful advice from Joanne Righetti on animal behaviour, she now answers to her name and obeys commands. She still won’t come and sit with me on the lounge, but rather chooses to sit at my feet for some reason. However, if I join her on the lounge she immediately purrs and loves to groom me! She is really still little more than a kitten and her favourite toy is a stress ball that I’ve attached to a piece of string – though she appears to have lots of imaginery toys that she chases as well!
Please see attached picture of Kayah, taken with my other cat, Sirikit, this morning.
Isn’t she lucky she found a good pet like me?

Trevor 17/2/10
Hello ladies,
I thought you’d like to see a pic of how our baby is settling in.Cheers, Trevor, 30/11/09
CHARLIE (ex REMY) adopted Feb 2010

Here are a few shots of the adorable 4 month old kitten Charlie (was called Remy) who I have adopted, thanks to Linda, Annemarie and David at Sydney Pet Rescue. He likes to lounge upside down and strangely sitting inside the fridge, has the sweetest mew and a marvelous purr. He hasn’t warmed up to Mum and Dad much yet, but will get there with a little more courage, they are a bit old and going deaf so a bit noisy.
Ciao, Marilia 11/2/10
LUCY, adopted directly from Renbury

Last year I had 3 dogs, a cross shepherd aged 14, a mini foxy x Jack Russell aged 13 and a 15 year old foxie something. In January the shepherd was diagnosed with cancer and I lost her. In July the mini foxy was killed by a car and I was heartbroken. I only had Gus the foxy and we were both lonely. My 60th birthday was on 27th August and my friends wanted to give me a dog.
I looked on your website and saw that stupid face advertised as a cross shepherd and I had to meet her. My husband and I went to Renbury farm on 25 August, 2009, bought Lucy (who I named after you because you helped me find her) and collected her on 26th August. She has been destructive and naughty and I guess that was why she was in the pound, but with time she has become the most wonderful and loving dog. She is highly intelligent and has a great sense of humour and she is an absolute joy to live with.
Vivienne 7/2/10
PIPPY(ex Abby, Gypsy’s kitten) AND HOLLY(ex Saphire)
Pippy Longstocking and Holly Gollightly have settled in so well with the Meekings’. Otis – our big British blue (and we mean ‘big’) is a bit put out but since he’s allowed outside and the girls aren’t he manages to escape the ‘children’ on a regular basis and that seems to be keeping him sane. The funny thing was that we adopted Holly 3 weeks after we brought Pippy home, Pippy was most put out. Fancy, after 3 weeks she ‘owned’ us and wasn’t happy about an interloper. I’ve never seen such a tiny thing hiss and growl before and we had to turn away so she didn’t see us laughing. Of course now they are inseparable. They have very distinct personalities. Holly is adventurous and inquisitive and happy to be handled while Pippy is quieter, more cautious and less tolerant of 7 year old girls! Of course as predicted by our family early on, Otis now sleeps with our daughter on her bed, and Holly and Pippy sleep with us – that is when they are not tearing around the house, playing with their toys, sliding across the wooden floors and climbing the furniture. I knew there was a reason we were holding on to our old lounge suit! And while the first few days with the two of them here was a bit like having a newborn in the house again, the 5.30am wakeup calls are now a more civilised 6.30am and after a few water sprays they have a little bit more self-discipline. All in all it’s been a great outcome and it’s lovely to have little ones around again. We love our girls and are quite confident that they’ve come to love us too. When I capture a picture of one/both of them cuddling with Otis, we will know that family harmony has been achieved in totality.The Meekings Family
January 2010
BOOTS adopted 6/4/08
Kind Regards, Faon 27/1/10

Hi, All is well- Daisy seems to be settling in well, and all the others seem to have accepted her. Dogs are scared of her, and Spikey just sniffs her – but all in all, no real dramas!
Thanks for all your help and Happy New Year.
BOBBY Boombah adopted Oct’09
Hi David!
Please find attached photos of Bobby Boombah.
Mary, Dec’09
SASHA (Gypsy’s kitten)
Hi David,
Merry Christmas,
Sasha has settled in with us and is very happy, that’s the great news. The bad news is, you guys are not getting her back as she is loved far too much.
P.s. Find some photos of Sasha, we probably have around another hundred. We are kind of crazy over her but she is so beautiful.
Lee, Senia & Nadine
Here are some photos of Honey. She is still quite camera shy.
Happy New Year to all at Sydney pet rescue
Natalie, Christmas 2009

Petal and Rikki seem to be settling in. From the laundry they have been ‘weaned’ into the rest of the house with today spending the longest time around the house during which time we went out for a couple of hours leaving them on their own and found them both happy and relaxed when we returned.
Within about 30 hours Petal and I had made friends and I had her purring to the point where she was probably interfering with the local seismographic readings. She is very passive but very affectionate. She has already started to follow me about — but I wonder if that is only because she is after more food!
Rikki is very energetic and a delight to watch his antics. Both he and Petal get on extremely well.
The photos show Rikki as a bit of a poser, which is good. The other photo shows one of the many spots they have found to relax on.
Kind regards, Antoine de Paauw
CRICKET & SNOOPY (now SCOOTER) (Penny’s kittens)
Just a short note to let you know that Cricket and Snoopy(who we now call Scooter as he loves to “scoot” around anywhere) have settled in well and have made themselves completely at home. They are giving all their toys a thorough working out and continue to charm everyone they meet. I’m amazed at how different yet equally lovable their personalities are. Princess Cricket who knows how pretty she is and loves to “work it” and mischievous Scooter who is full of adventure and hilarious antics. Thanks Belinda for taking such good care of them and helping them become the delightful little bundles that they are. Will be sure to send updates and photos. Cricket (who is sitting on my lap as I type) and Scooter also say hello.
(That’s Cricket walking on the keyboard)
Bye for now, Amanda
Pretty PENNY (with blue and gold eyes)
Penny has settled in well into her new home and has put on a bit of weight. Here is a photo.
Sasha, November 2009
VIOLET & ROSE (Petals kittens)

Hi David & Narelle,
They are both eating well, and seem to have put on healthy weight and they are both using their kitty litter exclusively. They are very playful little girls and will chase each other all over the house. They are getting used to the kids and if sleeping will let us come to them for a pat, Bronte seems to be able to get the closest but they also love being chased around the house
by Miranda for a play. They are still reluctant to come to us but they are most happy around us. They love hiding behind the blinds and longingly look outside “into the wild,” there will be no escape to Madagascar for these 2 though so longing looks will have to be satisfying enough.
I Have included a few pics of them at play, rest, and having cuddles on the lounge .
Regards, Sarah
MERLIN (Ex Pepsi-Penny’s kitten)
I am very happy with Pepsi, who has been renamed Merlin. He is settling well and is getting to know the house and its members in his own time.
He loves his cuddles and has no shortage of them.He seems to know his name and comes when he is called. I don’t know whether this is because he recognises my voice or wants a cuddle but I would like to think Merlin is exceptionally smart. He is quite vocal when he wants to be, especially with new smells and sights.
He has lots of toys to play with but prefers to sit on your lap, or even better your head, for cuddles. When he is happy he makes a chirrup noise that reminds me of a bird. Maybe he should be “Birdie”?
I have attached some photos for you to see how Merlin is fitting into his new home.
Thank you, Selina.
JACK & FELIX (Ex Bubba & Mitzy)
Hi David,
I just wanted to send you an update on Jack and Felix.
They are both doing extremely well. I took them to the Vet (Dr Bill Ilkin at Kirrawee Vet Hospital who has been our incredible vet for a number of years), for their shots and he diagnosed Felix with Rodent ulcer. It was pretty revolting, but we caught it in time to treat without being too serious. Apparently Felix has quite a severe allergy and needed to be on a special diet. Feeding the two of them differently was going to be a nightmare, so both Jack and Felix are on quite a restricted diet, although Jack enjoys a chicken wing once a week. That doesn’t stop him being completely cheeky in the kitchen, and trying to eat anything he can get his paws on, including tomatoes, bread and dry pasta. It has made Jamie and I very careful and meticulous about putting things away when we bring them home from the shops. Needless to say, on the new diet, Felix has flourished! He has gained some weight, his coat is extremely sleek and soft, he no longer itches and he has become much more playful. He is even starting to tolerate (I don’t know that we will ever get to the enjoying stage) being picked up and cuddled.
Jamie has built the boys a cat run out the back and after an initial adjustment; they now wait at the door every morning to be taken out to play for the day. It’s great for us because we prefer them to be outside during the day, but we didn’t want to worry about them getting run over, or diminishing our quite extensive bird population. And we think it’s great for them, they love being outside, and can “play” with the enormous cockatoos who hang out in the garden without being hurt by them, or hurting them. It’s also great for them to catch some rays in the cat hammock which they love.
Despite Jamie’s insistance that he doesn’t want to have much to do with the cats, they have weaselled their way into our lives and our hearts, and I have caught him on more than one occasion doing bookwork with Felix on his lap, or cuddling Jack in the lounge room while they watch TV together. He even refers to them as our boys.
SO thank you again, David, Jessica and Sydney Pet Rescue for looking after the fuzzy little monsters for us before they were ours.
Nadia (and Jamie, Felix and Jack)
LILY(Russian Blue)

Here are some photo’s of Lily around our house with Isabelle. Lily loves to sunbake in our back doorway as often as she can. Lily is doing really well and likes to curl up on our bed at night, especially under the blankets. Lily is now using the toilet instead of the litter tray and is very easy to train. She has the odd swipe at the dogs, but she will quite happily curl up with them on their bed too. Her sneezing comes and goes and neither treatments we got fRom the vet have had any long term results, so we think she is just a sneezy cat. Her record for the most sneezes in one session is 25! We now count and its become a it of a joke around the house.
Hope you enjoy the photo’s and if I can get one of her using the toilet, I will email it through.
Take care and I’ll send some more photo’s soon.
Cheers, Michelle
Hi David,
For Harriet’s postcards from home – “Now I just need to get rid of the dog!”
Regards, Margaret

Just a couple of pictures to let you see how happy Harriet (& of course Rosalie & I) are.
Margaret 2/8/09
JORDY(black) & ELLIE

Sorry this has taken so long. I didn’t forget about forwarding photo’s I have just been extra busy. Jordy has settled in really well and is loved dearly by all the family and the kids next door.
Some photos of Jordy with best friend Ellie.
Hope all is well,
Hi Michelle,
Please find the attached photo of Meggsie and Jasper. I think David will be happy to see Jasper’s photo.
Cheers, Iris
Here are some photos of Jasper & Meggsie..
The boys are very fine. We are very happy and enjoy having them around us.
They run and play together very well. Meggsie loves his new toy ball so much. Jasper likes to sit next to you and wants our attention all the time. I found that Jasper is smarter than Meggsie.
Cheers, Iris
Otto settled in well with his big brothers. He loves to ambush and crash tackle them, sometimes I really don’t know who loves the game more.
As for his coat, it’s coming along fine, not fully regrown yet and his tail is still sparse, but will definitely send you photos soon. He has a great personality and is a real joy to have. Loves smooching in bed at night and always ready to investigate anything new in the house. Iams have a free gift when you buy their dry food, as I needed some more I decided to buy same. The free gift is a bright orange cat house, I put it together and he had to investigate it, been there ever since.
Cheers, Pamela
Here is a picture of Strudel with my kids.
He is a very placid cat, putting up with being constantly patted, stroked and kissed by the children. He likes nothing better than curling up on one of the childrens’ beds when they are going to sleep and if he is shut out will yowl until one of them opens the door. He has settled in very well.
Cheers, Liz
Just thought I’d let you know that Snowball is doing so much better now ☺
He now is always out with us in the lounge room and is no longer hiding from us. He follows us around everywhere and is always rubbing up against us and likes playing with hs toys. He even lets me pick him up to give him cuddles!
He’s been using his kitty litter tray and eating his food regulary.
So he is much more used to us now.
Kind Regards, Angie 18/9/09

Mikey is settling in perfectly into his new home. He is playful, affectionate and growing in confidence each day. I really couldn’t have asked for a more perfect kitten! I’d like to thank you and Belinda for being so organised and helpful with the adoption process. I will definitely recommend Sydney Pet Rescue to all my family and friends!
Regards, Catherine

Yes, she is our 3rd “little girl”.
As you can see she has become a much loved member of our family and is a constant companion to Billie & Arkie when playing in the backyard. She is incorporated into many games played, particularily hide and seek of which Angel is excellent at by the way!
She loves going for walks to the local dog park where she runs around madly with the other dogs then watches patiently as Billie & Arkie play on the swings and slide.
We couldn’t be happier with Angel. Her gentle nature and vibrant personality have made her the perfect fit for our young family.
Cheers, Peter.
FRANKLIN (on right in photos)
Hi Michelle,
Franklin & Ichiro are great mates and give us much love.
Kind regards, NADIA
STANLEY & RUSTY-The Ginger Ninjas
Hi Michelle,
I just wanted to send you a quick update on Stanley and Rusty. They have proven to be two lovely, energetic and tolerant cats who have become a part of the family. As you suggested they have become extremely close and sleep together in the same cat bed, play together (hence the nickname, the ginger ninjas) and groom each other. They are two very different personalities but make wonderful companions. The kids love them and can’t wait to get home and see them. They help feed them morning and night.
Thank you for helping the boys find a home and for helping us to find such lovely pets.
Kind Regards, Nicola
Hi David
Inky is a real joy and a great addition to our family. She can take any amount of petting and stroking (and sitting in front of the gas fireplace) and is a real party girl when our kids and friends come over.
I have attached 2 photos – testament to her contentment.
Kind regards, Jo and Alex
Dear David
It’s Monday night and all is going well. First thing to mention is the renaming of our boys – hope you don’t mind! Ginge is now George and Sunshine is now Gus, they seem to like the names well. As I’m sure you would have expected George has settled in very quickly and I’m so excited to let you know that Gus is making leaps and bounds. We even have had cuddles in bed last night! Amazing! He happily wanders the apartment and he and George are enjoying chasing each other and having a wrestle but he can still be a bit shy with the stroking. I have high hopes though as he’s such a beautiful cat, he just needs a bit of extra TLC. However though I thought he was going to stay hidden behind the video machine for the week so I’m absolutely stoked with how far he’s come in just a couple of days. You would be so proud!
I have attached a couple of photos for you so you can see how well the boys are settling in.
Thank you once again for all you’ve done for these lovely lads!
Hi David,
Each one has found her comfortable spot in the house. Chelsea has dominated the bed. She loves to stretch out and laze around there, whereas Sammy loves the back of the couch. We let them onto our balcony for a little while yesterday and were surprised at how much more comfortable Chelsea felt there than inside the house..She found a cosy corner to nap in ( and I wouldn’t blame her since it was such a lovely day) but she whinged a bit when I decided to bring her in ( I don’t want them to get too used to being out there). Sammy on the other hand isn’t a big fan of being outside, which is a huge relief because she is our little terror! She was full of energy at 5 am this morning, making so much noise rolling about with her toys. But they are both such a delight to have! They love affection and constantly demand kisses and cuddles. There was no sign of distress, unhappiness or discomfort so I am very confident that they will be very happy living here. We had visitors come yesterday and they were at ease with lots of people around ( mind, they were bribed, as the visitors came bearing gifts – lots of cat toys!) They love their food and have been eating healthily. They use the scratching post I bought for them (much to the relief of my couch!) and have had no problems with the kitty litter as we bought the same kitty litter sand that Narrell used with them as we want to keep the changes to their lifestyles at a minimum .
I have also attached a photo of Chelsea and Sammy passed out on our bed just to give you the idea of how little time it took them to get comfortable here.
If we have any problems with the girls at all, I won’t hesitate to contact you but from what I see, I doubt we will. Thank you for your services, I am very impressed with the way you work and love how you provide the animals with as much comfort as possible so that there is minimal emotional and psychological trauma when they finally find a loving home. I will definitely recommend your agency to anyone I know who is willing and suitable to adopt a pet. In the meantime thank you so much for giving us Chelsea and Sammy, they are such a pleasure to have around and have definitely brightened up our lives! Good luck with re-housing the rest of your animals.
All the best, Stephanie,16/8/09
Hi Michelle,
Here are some photos of our big baby!
Hayley, August ’09
“Hi David
A recent photo of the kittens”.
Charlotte, August ’09

Hi David & Maria,
Just thought you would like to know that Oliver and Riley are doing really well. They have become good friends and play non-stop, although I do think they are a little rough with each other at times but they seem happy enough. I guess they are just being kittens.
They sleep together in their own little beds and also eat together from their own bowls without fighting over the food, they are so cute. Oliver is a big eater and Riley is starting to eat more now, I think because all the playing with Oliver seems to make him more hungry.
We have had no little accidents (touch wood) and they are very good at using their litter trays.
Riley has pretty much stopped biting and scratching. He only really nips when he has had enough patting, he flicks his tail at this time so I know it’s time to stop before I get the nip.
I’ve attached a couple of photos for you to see they are happy and in good health.Thanks again for all your help, the boys are great and fun to play with. After all the playing they do like to curl up on the couch with me and have a very long snooze.
Cheers, Petrice” August ’09
ZIA – Jasmin’s pup
Dax & Zia Pippa, Dax and Zia all tired out
After 12 years our darling malamute Kirra passed away, our family was quite devastated especially our staffy cross Dax. He was so sad that I began looking for a play mate. We found 9 georgous puppies on your web site. We drove out to choose a pup. After watching and playing with the pups for about an hour we decided on two females, one to adopt and one to foster. The smallest was named Pippa and the bold one Zia.
When we got home Dax was so excited – two puppies. He is a really large dog and makes the most dreadful growling noises when he plays but he was so gentle. He didn’t mind the pups stealing his food or climbing all over him. At the end of the day the pups waited until he climbed into his bed then climbed in with him.
But, it was love at first sight for Dax and Zia! The decision on which pup to adopt was made by them. Dax and Zia are never apart, playing, eating or sleeping.
Pippa did not miss out. She was adopted by a wonderful family with three boys for her to love. Plus she was house trained and knew basic commands
I hope this story if of interest and the pics help.
Cheers, Sharon (Dax and Zia’s mum.) 14/8/09

Hi David
Jordan is delightful. He is already settling in well which surprised me. I thought it might take a couple of days for him to feel at home, he is coming for cuddles, sneaking into our bed and has already become fast friends with his new brother.
I have attached a couple of photo’s taken on my mobile this afternoon and will send you some better photo’s later.
Mel 26/7/09
” Here are some more pictures of Bailey. As you can see, he’s filling out nicely, and is obviously settling in. He’s definitely an important part of our family now.”
Regards, Kevin 1/8/09

“Hi David
Margaret, Benny and Bella” 25/7/09
SONNY & DELILAH (renamed Zorba & Persia)
“Dear David,
Sonny is now ‘Zorba’ and Delilah is now ‘Persia’. They have both settled in already. I am quite amazed at how quickly they have taken to their new home. Both have eaten fresh chicken for dinner and are now sleeping soundly. Neither have used their litter yet, but they will. I adore them both and have had such wonderful cuddles and purrs. They both ‘appear’ to be fascinated by the amount of space they have to wander around in.
Only 4 hours and we are already a family. They have touched noses twice with no spitting. I somehow think you have a skill of just knowing how to place the right cats with the right people. I think it would be better to let both Zorba and Persia get to know each other along with their new environment plus me before I begin to consider taking Molly.
Not only will I recommend Sydney Pet Rescue but would like to give your organisation regular donations. Maria was wonderful, cannot speak highly enough of her kind welcome and the professional way in which she handled all the paper work and the way she settled both cats before handing them over.
I will send photos in about a week. Persia has emerged as a ‘Diva’, not only is she eating and eating but she is very playful, giving the poor hanging rat a bad bashing at night, scratching the pole and climbing up to the top level to sit and gaze at the lights on the water. Zorba is still very quiet, but no problem with eating and he likes to sit and gaze at the water views during the day. We sat together for quite some time last night and I told him I knew how hard it must be for him not to have his original owner that he grew up with, as we spoke, he put his paw on my forearm – great heart stuff. The three of us are very well matched and it can only get better.
Thank you again.
Regards – Cecelia”
” Hi David
Just letting you know that Bella (now re-named Pandora due to her very beautiful fur and inquisitive nature) is the most Endearing little kitty.
Albrina 21/7/09″
Here’s a post card from Pandora (:

Mreoww? Hey there!
My name is now Chezna (meaning ‘peaceful’ in Slavonic) and I think I’ve finally found my purrrfect home! Mum doesn’t know much about my past but after some research, she knows I’ve been in foster care for a while! Thanks to all the love and care from the fostering, I’ve grown to be a very loving, talkative and beautiful kitty; just what Mummy had been looking for in a cat.
The trip to my first home was special and smooth; the drive was short and as I crept from the carrier, I just wanted to explore! But Mum wanted me to stay in the room, complete with all the things I needed (like a hotel!), so the door was closed; I meowed for a bit when they went to bed though cause I was all alone without any other cats!
The next morning though, I was happy to see the family as Mum and her sister would spend the whole day with me! They spoil me; always finding new toys for me to play and letting me sleep where I wanted; uninterrupted but for a few luxurious belly rubs till I was purring up a storm. Mum loves taking pictures of my beautiful green eyes and pretty pelt, and well, she thinks I’m a gorgeous model all-round anyways so I oblige :
I’ve been eating well (she feeds me wet and dry food though I’m not a fussy cat so I eat both) and keep good company when Mum gets bored from studying (I sleep on her belly when she goes to read).
Oh and did I say I get the whole house to myself! No other dares to intrude upon my supreme turf (not even Mummy’s dragon who doesn’t bother me and I don’t bother her, hee hee).
Mum wants to thank Sydney Pet Rescue and Adoption for saving me so that fate could brings us together; she wants you to know that all your work is appreciated by all the animals saved by your hands and its people like you that gives me and the other furry kids a second chance at a life worth living.
I’ll keep in touch, mreooow! xo
(p.s Mum has attached some of my beauty shots whilst I do what I do best; sleep, clean and play! She might send more later when she has time to take some better shots of me sleeping [;)”

Thank you for helping us find our gorgeous little girl”.
Patricia and Ben
We have had Ricky, renamed Leo, for 6 weeks and he has completely settled into our household. Our handsome boy is very affectionate and a real lap cat. Perfect for these cold winter evenings. He loves his cuddles as much as he loves his food!
After a few days of hissing, he and Polly, our Burmese, became new best friends. They will be snuggled up together in front of the heater grooming each other one minute and then chasing each other up and down our terrace house the next. Although he is a few kilos heavier than Polly, she is not intimidated and they wrestle frequently.
We are pleased that he has fit into our family so well and is a perfect companion to Polly, as well as to us.
Regards, Karen and Mick, 15/7/09
Hi David,
The boys moved in on Sunday. It’s now Tuesday and I am surprised at how well adjusted they already are.
Bubba (who is now Jack) stayed under the couch until last night, but then spent the entire evening alternatively exploring the lounge room and smooching in my lap.
Mitzi (now Felix) got over his shyness on Sunday night and has been purring, smooching and EATING (he is such a piglet) since then. He has this crazy loud purring snorting sound that he makes when he’s happy or when he’s eating. Very cute – and you know exactly where he is! He is definitely top cat, even though he is by far the smallest of the two. hey are looking like they will fit very nicely with Jamie and I. So far, we are loving having them.
Thank you so much for facilitating them coming to us.
Cheers, Nadia 14/7/09

Hugo at play and …………exhausted

Radley cute and……….. dreaming
Hey guys,
Kind Regards, Katie, 14/7/09
BART renamed BEAU
“Hi David,
Thank you for your help with finding Bart, now known as Beau.
Thanks again. If any family or friends are looking for a pet we will definitely be recommending Pet Rescue.
Holly” 13/7/09

Thanks for recommending Saphira to us. She is lovely, is settling in… she looks very comfortable in her own room, approaches me when I enter, lets me stroke and cuddle her, sits on my lap and plays in our cat tunnel. Instead of hiding in our built-in which she did initially, she now lounges about in the open. She does seem wary of unexpected noises from the outside, but other than that is coping well. Snowy and her are aware of each other’s presence but they have yet to meet.
I will give you further updates on Saphira once she has been with us longer. Here are some pictures which I thought you might enjoy.
Kind regards, Helen 5/7/09
Tabitha and Abigail (was Misty)
Hi Michelle
Here are some pics of them so you can see how theyre doing, theyve grown into beautiful cats!
Leah 3/7/09
Hi David,
All is well with the kits and they are settling in well.
They have a new favourite game: running up and down the stairs at high speed. I think maybe carpet is a new concept for them? They love it.
They slept on our bed last night – Skye tried to sleep on Haydens neck which was sweet, if slightly uncomfortable for him!
Were absolutely loving them and how affectionate they are they really are the perfect match for us.
Here they are on their new favourite fleecy rug. How comfortable do they look?!
Layla & Hayden 29/6/09
Hi David
Just sending you a message to let you know all is going well with Joe. He’s loving his new home and I have fallen head over heels for him! (I’ve attached a picture for you).Kind regards
Renata 27/6/09
Hi, Just wanted to let you know that Phoebe has settled in very nicely into our house. She is very tolerant of the kids and allows them to pick her up and carry her around all of the time. She also likes to be the centre of attention at all times and loves being wherever we are in the house. She was de-sexed a few weeks ago and has now been allowed outside on small supervised visits into our backyard. Im sure that she thinks that shes a tiger when shes hiding in our bushes waiting to pounce on us. She also has her eyes on a large kookaburra that visits our backyard each day, however the bird is much bigger than she is so Im pretty sure that a) the bird is safe and b) Phoebe doesnt have the courage to try and catch her (yet).
Thanks so much for giving Phoebe a great (second) start to her life.
Kind regards
Judi 18/6/09
30/5/09 – Photos of Leroy recovering after his cleft palette surgery in his new home with new friend Jessica who thinks he is the greatest.

While Pierre was cautious and skittish at first, he is very affectionate now and both boys normally sleep with me through the night. Pumpkin thought he was king of the household the moment he arrived and nothing has changed there!
Regards, Ben
BOO & ZEKE (EX Timmy & Oliver)
Hi Michelle,
Still in love with our babies!!
They are starting to grow their little personality! They still love each other and cuddle each other as well as us!
Zeke (Oliver) is food hog! I just caught him growling at Boo, when he stole a cupcake from the table!! Naughty little fella! But he is adorable and completely loveable!! He is enjoying a cuddle in the photo.
Boo (Timmy) has completely out of his shell and is absolutely adorable and cute as a button! The vet advised that he will be smaller than Zeke but he is growing!!
Both are happy, healthy and overly spoilt boys! They are beautiful and everything we wished for!!
THANK YOU for saving these two little angels!!
Many thanks, Jess
Hi Michelle,
Narell, 20/5/09
Hi Michelle,
Kind regards,
PRISCILLA -orange tabby girl
“zzzzzzzzzzzz” “where did that bug go?”
Dear Michelle
Priscilla is just the best cat – happy and so playful and affectionate. Natalie must have been really disappointed to give her up.
Thank you for your help and good luck with your efforts to find more homes for all your animals.
Kind regards
ELLIE MAY RidgebackX pup born 16/1/09
“This is the life!” “Hello, do you want to play?”
Hey Julie,
Ellie May is doing very well, sleeping a lot. 🙂 but still very playful when she wakes up and plays with my cat ‘Toby’ a lot too. She is our little angel.
She is also booked in for puppy school 🙂
I have attached pictures of her first few days at home for you.
Thank you,
Just thought I’d send you some photos of Blueboy in his new home. He’s doing really well. both the cats at home are spoilt with lots of nutritious premium cat food 🙂 They are slowly learning to live together. Blueboy still likes to bully Bella the kitten around.. (bites her tail if the humans aren’t watching!) but they are becoming better at sharing the house. Bella is a bit of an alley cat and has been raised an indoor outdoor cat.. she is as feisty as they come but has a sweet and affectionate side when she chooses to show it. Blueboy I haven’t trusted to allow outside yet without his harness.. in case he decides to trek back to Sydney. Anyway, I hope all is well with you, thanks for all your help with him.
warmly Divya
MAXIE Silver tabby
Dear Sydney Pet Rescue,
Maxie is just brilliant, he is such a character, very energetic, and fun!
He has set up an assault course through our house, through his tube, over the couch and skidding down the hallway to the door. He even greets us at the door when we arrive home!
He has even made friends (through a fence) with the dogs next door, and the cat living behind us. He loves playing in the garden, chasing lizards and delivering some tail-less ones as a kind present
We are very, very happy with Maxie, he has been awesome. He is very much a part of our family now!
Emma, Andrew & Maxie
Pepita and Frankie

Frankie doing stretches
Frankie and Pepita have made themselves a part of Yolanda’s family. As you can see they are well settled and happy little vegemites.
March 2009

Stanley Rusty(above) & Stanley
Hi Michelle,
Thank you so much for your help.
Kind regards,
Nicola, 31/3/09
SPOOK & CHARLIE EX Snugglepot & Cuddlepie

Hi Michelle
Finally herewith a couple of lovely pictures of Spook and Charlie. Although Spook does lick Charlie, Charlie is usually the one mothering Spook as she is doing in each of the attached photos.
We love having them around and although you would not know it from the pictures the pair of them still have their little spats from time to time. I guess that’s what sisters do.
I hope all is well well with you and Pet Rescue.
All the best.
WILBUR (m) Blue white affectionate cat
‘2 Couch Potatoes’ “and here is the news for today”
Hi David
Wilbur has now been with us three weeks and we absolutely adore him! He is very smoochy and seems very comfortable in his new home. He loves sleeping on the foot of our bed during the day, sitting on the kitchen window sill and watching all the action outside, and always plays a gracious host when visitors drop by.
So it probably goes without saying that he has found his forever home with us. Also attached are some pictures of Wilbur.
Best wishes
Jane, Sam and Wilbur
OSCAR (blue/white) & MINNIE(black/white)

Hi Michelle & Maria,
Minnie has settled in well at last. She now likes being picked up for a scratch and cuddle and turns on the purr at every opportunity, and on Friday she jumped up of her own accord for her first lap scratch session. She also comes over for a pat when I return home and is seeking out affections more each day. So all seems good on that front.
They both now rule the house in equal measures (Minnie has begun initiating the games of pounce and chase and is big enough to wrestle Oscar now) and are enjoying each others company. They are seldom apart and spend most of their days playing together, grooming each other or sleeping cuddled up.
Thanks for all your great work with the animal rescue process, I know for a fact the world would have been different if Oscar and Minnie were not saved from the pound.
Pictures attached…
1 – Oscar and Minnie watch some Youtube together, they love TV and cat videos. You can see how much Minnie has grown in the past month!
2 – Yin and Yang kittens at nap time
Thanks again, David
(Milo & Otis) now TOM & JERRY – ginger kittens born 23/9/08 approx
Dear Daniela and Michelle,
The boys are beautiful you would be so proud of them. They own our house and the joy in them is wonderful. Both Tom and Jerry are a picture of health and giving us endless joy.
Thank you for making us all so happy.
Norma and John
MEG renamed Millie – gorgeous white cat
Hi Michelle and all at Sydney Pet Rescue
Just a quick note to let you all know how happy I am in my new home. It took no time at all to settle in and I have been having so much fun with my new family, it has taken me a while to send you a postcard.
My new family renamed me Millie and I am slowly getting used to my new name. As you can see from the photos I have attached I have discovered many new places to relax and have my all important ‘cat naps’. I also get heaps of time to practise my pouncing and running skills, my new family enjoy playing with me. They all think I am extremely clever and talented.
I love waking up really early and jumping on my new owners bed to remind them to feed me. Sometimes they have trouble getting out of bed, but I find if I nibble on their toes, they jump out of bed and attend to all of my needs.
I wanted to say a big thank you to Sydney Pet Rescue for rescuing me and finding me a new family to love me.
Bye for now.
Love Millie (previously named Meg) living with Sonja & family
Hi Michelle and Daniela,
Rusty has settled in really well. He still loves chasing his shadow on the floorboards and the kids have had a great time playing with him and his cat toys (the ones with long bits of elastic that they can run around with and he can chase). He has been great with the kids (even when they deserve a swipe) and takes a nap under a bed when he has had enough of them. Once they are in bed he instantly appears and follows you everywhere – he loves to lie next to you or on top of you – and purrs non-stop!
Thank you for helping us find such a lovely pet.
Kind regards, Nicola
Stretches before play
Cat Aerobatics Chanel’s pillow is…..Geordie!
Geordie and Chanel have settled in very well together. They love being around each other, playing, snuggling, bird and fish tank watching, just to name a few of their daily chores.
Chanel has become a little fuss pot and will only eat fish flavored Dine and Gourmet D’Lite while Geordie will only eat raw kangaroo meat. They both love their dry crunchy food and a big bowl of Whiskas milk.
Troy and I brought them a massive scratching tree that touches the ceiling. They love playing on it or just lying around up on the top so they can watch what is going on.
All in all they are the best cats and bring us much joy, laughter and happiness.
Regards, Melissa & Troy
MIMCO & COOPS British Shorthair sisters
Mimco Coops
I have attached some photos of Mimco and Coops who have both grown a lot since we adopted them in June! Coops has a great fondness for food(as you can probably tell!) and tummy rubs. Everyday when I come home from work she runs into the middle of the kitchen floor and rolls onto her back ready for a tummy rub! Mimco on the other hand is not a food fan but prefers to explore, although at the end of a hard day she prefers nothing more than curling up at the bottom of our bed!
Kind regards, Debbie

Dear Julie
We are all doing well. Simba now thinks he is the boss of the house, and really it isn’t far from the truth, he is treated like a king!
We have settled into a routine. In the morning he wakes me up by gently touching my nose with his paw, then when Uli gets up he sits on the end of the bath-tub and watches him showering. After breakfast he is off outside to sleep in the sun for the rest of the day. When we get home from work he is always there waiting for us. Firstly he wants food of course, but then he gets really upset if I don’t sit down and brush him for 10 minutes. As soon as he sees the brush he jumps straight onto my lap. Then it is normally onto Uli’s lap for the rest of the night.
He is a real talker – he never stops, whether it is food, loving or to go outside. God forbid if you wiggle your toes under the bed covers. He has a little ball that he goes crazy over and he loves the laser-pointer. Good exercise for him and we get to sit on the couch.
The photo of Simba in the sun light on the kitchen floor is so typical of him… he is always seeking out the sunny spots. Sometime I pat him in the sun and he feels like he is 50 degrees!
Simba is one of the most loving cats I have ever encountered. When we visited Julie’s house to meet her numerous rescue cats, it’s fair to say he put on all his charm to win us over. And he has character, with his rugged good looks (including a missing canine!), constant talking and funny habits (like gently nipping my calves before I feed him or putting his paw on my nose to wake me up), he is a great companion and always keeps us entertained. And he is very fair with the loving, making sure to only spend an hour on my lap before changing to Uli’s, then back again to mine. He loves being brushed, and jumps straight on my lap when I bring it out, and he is a sun-junkie (we always catch him sun-baking his belly) – so if you combine the two he is in heaven. We love him very much! A special thanks to Julie who went out of her way for us (and Simba).
Best wishes, Cara
KITSTAR, fluffy black & white kitten
Hi Julie,
Kitstar has definitely made herself at home, it took her about 30 seconds to find the Christmas tree! She definitely has a fondness for anything shiny on the tree! She’s fitting in perfectly – eating well, playing about 23 hours a day and sleeping on my pillow for the other hour.
Thanks again for your help and time we really appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
Michelle & Greg
Hi mum, look at me!

May’09 – Rupert with his fluffy winter coat
Rupert & Kiki Rupert & Ava
Some photos of Rupert with his new sisters. He is particularly fond of Ava, and the feeling seems to be mutual (most of the time). He is a fastidious groomer of himself, and has taken to grooming Ava rather roughly, which she seems to relish most of the time. He also managed to give Kiki three little licks before she ran off a little perplexed as neither Bassey nor Ava has ever attempted to groom her before. No good photos of him with Bassey yet as they mostly spend their together time at night in the front room snoozing or on the bed at night when I am in bed.
David 22/12/08
SAFFRON female ginger- sweet & shy-snatched from Death Row
Hi Michelle and David,
This photo was taken this morning while Saffron was hunting bees….hope she doesn’t catch one, and tired out after a hard day on her favourite quilt.
STAR pretty tabby kitten
Hi Michelle & Rachel,
I just thought that you would like to know that the beautiful Star has settled in very well in his new house and is well loved by all and getting lots of attention.
Thanks very much for all your help. This has added to a great Christmas for us. Attached are a few pics of Star playing soccer & at his scratch pole & with one of our boys.
Thanks again
MARLEY renamed Q
Dear Maria,
It has been two weeks now and Q has settled well into his new home. Domino and Q get on well (and have even got to the stage of washing each other a good sign). There are occasional squabbles and this has been a lesson for Domino previously when Domino and Vesper had play-fights, Domino was always the stronger cat. Now Q is the stronger cat so that has taken a bit of getting used to! In the evening both come and sit on Darrell and my laps and purr madly. I attach a photograph above.
Kind regards,
TOBY & ROSIE born May 2008
Toby and Rosie are doing great. They seem very happy to play with all the toys our girls bought them and to snooze in one of the sunny spots at home. The desexing went well and Rosie’s stitches came out last Monday.
After this weekend we’ll let them venture into the garden!
Thanks everyone!
Kind regards,
TILLY (renamed TRINNY) pretty med hair Tortoiseshell/white
Hi Maria
This was taken yesterday, Trinny hanging out with Madaleine, she certainly has made herself at home.
EBONY(f) cuddly black lap cat – born approx Nov’07
Hi everyone,
Here are some photos of dear little Ebony in her new home.
The photo on the white lounge was taken on Emily’s first night here and makes her look tiny, but she has been eating ravenously since then and is now rather bigger. Salmon is her absolute favourite.
She has adopted some strange bits and pieces as toys – a long blue ribbon that she carries around in her mouth, a black velvet hair scrunchie she wrestles with, and a yellow stress ball that she bats around the house like she’s David Beckham! We also have great fun with a “fishing rod” I made using a ball of tinfoil as bait.
She is very sweet, and greets me with a tiny “peep” instead of a meow. When she’s not too busy chasing moths, she sleeps beside me at night – although she does have a strange (but endearing) habit of grooming my left arm very thoroughly before she goes to sleep.
Big purrs from Ebony to Rhonda for looking after her while she was waiting for a home, and thanks to all of you from me for rescuing this dear little girl in the first place.
DELTA,now ABIGAIL born approx 30/5/08

Hello Maria, Josie, Marley, Oscar, Ziggy and can’t remember your other cats names.
Abi has settled in really well. When we 1st got her home she walked around meowing and jumped and ran at every noise and movement we made. Saturday night when preparing dinner she climbed up Linda’s pants and was very interested in what was for dinner. Eating at the table was interesting also as she wanted to be in our laps and join us for dinner.
Sunday: She did a wee in the litter and as she did it, she did a meow (sigh) of relief, it was very funny. She follows us everywhere and yes, she is now sleeping in our bed….. We got a tunnel and some balls (with bells) and a toy mouse that squeaks. She loves it all, keeps running back and forth through the tunnel and knocks the balls around the house. She also loves playing Laser tag with me (i have one of those small laser lights)
Her new spot is on the computer desk in front of me (whenever I am in the study), where she lays down and falls asleep (after she has tidied up the desk by knocking everything out of her way)
Yes, she does enjoy water, we experienced her paw in the bowl as she drank tonight spreading the water everywhere.
She loves her dry food, to the extent that she wants to help us empty the food into the measuring cup… she isn’t a fan of the wet food though, she will have some but always returns to the dry food. We are trying mixing the wet and the dry together…. hopefully that works. She is permanently purring.
We are enjoying her very much and love her to bits.
Annemarie, Linda & Abi xox
JOSIE born approx 30/5/08
I have attached a photo (2 actually) of Josie in her new home. As you can see she has settled in well and particularly likes this chair! She was quite unsettled the first night without the other cats, but the second night she was much better.
She loves the toys we bought her and the children love to play with her I think she is still a little overwhelmed with all the attention she is getting. We have attached a collar and bell as we have such a big house and she likes to explore, at least now we know which part of the house she is in. She just loves to chase the ball around and as we have wooden floors this provides hours of fun for both her and us!!!!!
Hope you are not missing her too much, and rest assured, she is very much loved and now a part of our family. We have also recommended to some friends to check out Sydney Pet Rescue as they are currently looking for a cat for their family.
All the best, and thank you for the job you do it is very much appreciated by people like us.
Anne, Kevin, Arabella, and Oliver. And of course Josie xxx
October 2008
MUNCHKIN Stunning Bold Tabby born approx Nov ’06

Hi All,
I have settled in really well with Mark and Jenny and they spoil me rotten! I have shown them all my tricks including how high I can jump for my toys and how I can do handstands to get off the couch! I love looking out the window and waiting for mum and dad to come home and I love blobbing out on the couch, my belly isn’t really that fat!!
Thank you for saving me from the pound and giving me a second chance.
Big wet smooches and purrs from Munchkin xox
October 2008
HEIDI – Silver tabby

Hi Michelle,
I have attached some photos of Heidi for you, she is doing great and is very well.
Thanks again,

“Hi all, just a quick update on Princess. We have renamed her Minna. She is doing really well. She is absolutely adorable. She is just such a lovely little girl and we love her. After a few days she is already confident around the house and she has settled into her new home well. She loves playing with balls, but chasing everything that moves is her absolute favourite.
I have attached a few photos.
Thank you all for your help. Will keep you updated,
Alenka & Pete
October 2008
Jungle camouflage Stalking
Tigger (named because he is both bouncy and stripey) is enjoying life here, loves his own little bed but loves a lap or human bed even more. Being the only cat in the household, he’s very affectionate and sweet-natured. He’s very tolerant of our three year old granddaughter, who adores him, and has given him her soft Piglet toy and a small teddy which he fiercely tosses around. Tigger’s also a champion soccer player, but he’s getting too big now to squeeze under furniture to retrieve his numerous balls. But most of all he loves playing in the ‘jungle’ (back garden) in fine weather, which he finds very exciting.
Thanks for your help, and for our lovely Tigger.
Tin Tin is doing really well and has settled into life with us. He is actually a really cuddly cat and loves to sit on our laps at any opportunity (unlike Basil Mr Independence). They are getting on really well; Tin Tin follows Basil around all day. They even sleep on the same rug. They love to play on the rooftop garden and hide from each other in the pot plants; this is a real treat as we only let them out when we are at home and also in the garden. We really can’t imagine life without him, he is such a character and always into something. He is learning some house rules – he took off with my toast the other morning off the kitchen bench!!!
Kathy & Ahmed
Ginger Mick renamed POSSUM

“This is the life” “Yummy”

Wot a gorgeous tail !!
Dear Michelle
I have been wanting to send you photos of Possum (Ginger Mick) for ages and here they are!
He is well, still growing and makes my husband and I laugh with his little antics. He is the most beautiful little companion that I could have wished for.
Thankyou again for what you do to place these animals in homes as I wouldn’t have my little mate if it wasn’t for you.
Regards, Jacquie
MISSY pretty black/white lady

“Come closer little bird, I won’t hurt you!” “zzzzzzzzzzzzz”

“Is it alive?” “mmm tastes better from tap”
Missy is doing really well. She’s certainly made herself at home and is on her best behaviour when anyone comes to visit. Sometimes I think she’s more affectionate with strangers than she is with me! She “lets” people sit beside her on the lounge, but when she’s had enough attention she huffs and puffs (very funny – a cat throwing a temper tantrum!!), until she is left alone. I try to give her regular exercise and she has numerous balls, elastic bands, ribbons and shoestrings scattered throughout our home. I like to think perhaps she has lost a bit of weight, but perhaps I am not the best judge.
I have yet to entice her to sleep on my bed at night – the only time she will get on my bed (the photo I have attached is her on the spare bed!) is in the morning and only if I push my quilt aside – she has a very strong aversion to it for some reason – but loves to shred (literally!) the blanket I also have on my bed, until my alarm goes off. Then she’s off the bed and on her way to the kitchen! She still loves her food, constantly pre-empting any move I make in the direction of the kitchen only to be disappointed (most of the time – she’s very persuasive!). She’s very sweet and very entertaining, and certainly a little Miss.
Thank you again for all your help. I make sure I mention you anytime I hear anyone mention they are thinking of getting a pet. You do great work and if there is ever anything I can do to support you, I will gladly help out where I can.
SASHA friendly Maltese X
Sasha is such a wonderful little dog. She tries to please us and has now learnt to tell us if she wants to go to the toilet. She has learnt to lead properly on her twice daily walks around the area of our home and just loves to ride in the car.
She welcomes us home at night by running around the furniture and jumping into our arms. Then she runs out to the family room where she has her dinner served. The days when I’m home, she accompanies me to the railway station where we pick up my sister Carol. Sasha watches the train come into the station and then looks for Carol’s head coming down the stairs. When Carol arrives she then has to give us both kisses and hugs.
Thanks for providing us with such a little angel.
Kind regards,

Hi to all,
Tayla adopted Jessica in June and renamed her Faith. Tayla has been unwell for the past 12 mths and Faith made a whole world of difference to her life and also to the rest of the family as Faith put the sparkle back in Tayla`s eyes and in fact helped her on the road to recovery faster than what anyone else has been able to achieve and she just goes from strength to strength, thus the reason Tayla named Jessica Faith .
We are all so in love with Faith, she is the most loving affectionate kitten that is a pleasure to have as part of our family
As you can see in the photo Tayla and Faith do everything together .
Thank you all for ur wonderful help and the amazing job that you all do from love .
Tayla,Tracey, Jye and Lachlan 26/9/08
Following is a poem from Tayla :-
I love my cat day and night
She likes to run
She likes to hide
But in the end
She’s mine mine mine !!!!!!!
Coco & Jules (ex Jessie)

Dear Michelle, David and Hannah
Just a few photos to show you how beautiful the kittens are and how well they are settling into their new home. They play,eat and sleep together, but also spend a lot of time smooching on our laps, neck, chests, legs and any other body part that they can clamber onto. They are both secure, adventurous, confident, playful, wary and tentative at different times and seem to take turns being ‘top cat’. We are not sure who is going to be the ‘boss’ yet, but Jules seems to be winning by a whisker.
Thanks for loving them and making them feel secure until they could join our loving-cat-friendly family.
Warm Regards Janne 14/9/08
AKIRA foxy x pup
Yuki and Akira ‘Fun on the beach’
Akira with Yuki at home
Akira has enjoyed her first week with us! She had a lovely holiday up the coast with Yuki and here are some photos of them enjoying themselves!
All the best,
Nora, Ed and Yuki
Nutmeg, ginger/white boy rescued from Death Row
I am enclosing a photo of Nutmeg on his favourite chair. You can see he has made this place his home. We love him to bits.
Helen and Gary
COCO- affectionate long haired fluffy kitten
Here are a few pics of Coco making himself at home on the sofa!
He is very relaxed….eating well….and having fun digging in a few potplants!
We are so happy to have him and he really has a sweet nature and loves nose rubbing with us!
He’s right at home and not at all nervous. He has a cute habit of carrying a glove around with him.
Cheers! Robert .
SOOTY Jnr now called BAXTER

Hello all
Baxter is doing very well! After a period of adjustment, he has really taken to his new home and is loving all the attention being lavished on him. He loves laying in the sun on the verandah, chasing his mouse toy and, believe it or not, has decided that my shoulders are the best place to sleep (or should I say, survey his domain!!). He divides his time between languishing on various housemates’ beds, warming their feet, and chasing the cursor around on my laptop screen.
I have attached some photos too.
Thanks for all your help guys
Cheers, Aimee
ROBBIE- blue/white kitten- August 2008
Hello all,
Here’s a few pics of Robbie (and Tom!). Robbie is settling in nicely and he and Tom are getting along fabulously, as you can see from the pictures they like to cuddle.
He loves getting into everything, especially the fridge and the cupboards. He is so curious.
He enjoys a cuddle at night and likes to curl up on our laps, which is exactly what we wanted. Thanks again for helping us in our search for the perfect addition to our family.
Daniel and Gemma
NICKI now named MIKEY
Hi ladies
I am just updating you on our beautiful boy Mikey ( previously known as NICKI )..
He has settled in to our home wonderfully… We just love him to bits… He is very gentle with the kids as are the kids gentle with him…
I have aatched some photo’s… wow he has grown..
Haley and Family
Wilma(Tabitha) and Betty(Samantha)
Wilma (on left) and Betty
Hi Maria.
Thought I’d let you know that Wilma and Betty are settled into their new home, as you can see from the attached photo.
Wilma was a bit upset at first – she spent the first few hours sulking and growling, but she’s very relaxed now and is the bigger sook of the two.
Betty is very much a one-gear cat – she settled quickly and seems much more independent. Betty has also been making attempts to establish herself as Top Cat. I’m not sure how successful this will be.
They’ve been keeping themselves busy with a number of activities, most of them revolving around a) biting, and b) not doing a hell of a lot. They like their toys, especially the laser-pointer, which frustrates them with its inability to be bitten.
Hope you’re doing well, and thanks again for taking care of them for me.
Regards, Ben.
NINA & JORJA (Cally’s kittens)
Dear Pet Rescue & Adoption people
Our son, George, adopted two kittens, Jorja (ginger/white) & Nina (tabby/white), on 29/12/07. We would like to tell you that they are growing so fast. They are so different, but both are happy and very good looking.
They have become good friends with our other pets, dog & cat. Nina even sleeps with our dog these days. Here are some photos of them all with Mia (cat) and Pebbles (dog) in some of the photos, too.
Regards, Yoko June 2008
Sylvester and Nickolas have brought love and peace into our family. Sylvester gets anoying and plus very pushy when he either wants to go outside or have his special biscuts-(cat food). Nickolas is very cute because he always sits ontop of a pile of clothes and does his lamb of god with his little arms crossed and looks very innocent and looks up with his small little head, and sylvester hoggs the heater and sits in front of it and so we all get cold except for him. Sylvester and Nickolas have brought harmony and love. We love them a lot and they are very cute and loving boys.
To the Sydney pet rescue team!
I just wanted to say a big thank you for taking care of me through the hard times and keeping my tummy full. You all do such a brilliant job in finding loving homes for us felines.
I have been at my new home for 1 month now and I am being treated like royalty. I now have my loving mummy Kelly and Daddy Jeremy to feed, love, pat & play with me most importantly feed me!! I am growing into a big healthy boy (hopefully I dont get too big) I have an adopted much BIGGER brother, Lynx the panther & was a little worried when I first met him, but now I give him hell and lots of playtime hugs and kisses. He licks me clean when I have made a mess of myself and doesnt mind if I eat all of his biscuits. I really love my new home ..giant scratching post .mmm warm heated bed and ..and and all my mouse toys, ohh and lots & lots of love n cuddles!!!
My mummy likes to give me raspberries and calls me panda paws, she lets me sleep on her pillow every night, I am a very spoilt boy. My big brother and I chase each other up and down the hallway and I often try to get in the dishwasher and love to watch the clothes go round in the washing machine. Daddy is always nice enough to rescue my mice from under the fridge once Ive had my fun. Im getting a little fatter around the tummy thanks to my loving parents. I’ve attached a couple of pictures of me & me and my brother for you to see! God Im looking good, the image of an angel, but I can be ohh so cheeky!
Cuddles, purrs & lots of kisses to each and every one of you!
xxxxxxxxx Bandit xxxxxxxxx 30/5/08
(Previously known as Zorro)
Hi Michelle and Jenny.
Well Liquorice has settled in well, I have attached two of the many photo’s I’ve tried taking but black isn’t the easiest coat to shoot! He seems happy, I bought a lot of toys, a scratching post and a Litter Kwitter so we’re practicing using the toilet. He’s currently sitting on my desk trying his best to get at my breakfast. He sleeps with me at night and gets up at 6 on the dot ready for the first round of play. He also seems to love my house plants, I’ve bought some cat nip seeds so they’ve been planted and I’m hoping when they grow it will distract him from all the other plants.
Everyone loves him, thanks so much for putting me in touch with Liquorice. The work you do is so great and I love the new addition to my household.
Danielle. 26/5/08
MUFFY renamed BOB

Dear Sydney Pet Rescue,
I thought I would send you a postcard to let you know how I am doing in my new home.
Robyn adopted me 2 weeks ago and arriving at her place (which is now my home) I spent some time exploring then flopped down on the lounge room floor ready for some tummy rubbing and attention! My name was Muffy but Robyn decided I looked more like a Bob! I am quickly learning my new name and tend to answer to it more when Robyn is holding the box of cat biccies!
My favourite game to play is with the feather duster, grabbing it in my mouth then running up the hallway, dropping it, rolling over it and repeating! It also involves throwing it in the air as well…from my mouth! I also enjoy running from Robyn’s bedroom down the hall, across the lounge room and into the kitchen at high speeds, playing with my ping pong balls and also with the cat scratching post which has a mouse on a spring which i can play with for at least 30 minutes non stop!
I prefer to sleep on Robyn’s bed but during the day I like to sit on the window sill and watch what is going on outside! I have a very loud purr which turns on when Robyn only even glances at me sideways! I definitely love lots of attention!!
Thank you for looking after me until I found my new home 🙂
love, Bob (AKA Muffy) 12/5/08
GUMNUT & GUMDROP now Annabel & Edwina

Hi Michelle
The gorgeous girls are doing really well. They are an absolute delight every day and are so funny. Extremely playful and keep me up at night chasing each other around the bedroom and over the bed and back etc but they’re very loving also and cuddle up to me all the time.
Have attached some recent photos and can assure you they are enjoying their new home.
Thanks again,
Sally 23/4/08
Princess, who is now known as Tiger, is the most affectionate and playful little girl and loves her 3 little ‘girlfriends’. She always loves to cuddle up and is quite a talker. My husband and I are very happy ‘parents’ 🙂
Thank you very much Michelle and Jenny – Sydney Pet Rescue!
Amanda 22/4/08
BOBBY & BENNY, 2 gorgeous black & white kittens
Benny Bobby
Hi Rachel and Dimitri,
I just wanted to let you know that Bobby and Benny have arrived safely in Bathurst and are settling in well. They’re currently fast asleep under the bed after busily exploring the house last night.
They’ve had fun playing with the toys you sent with them, although the string-and-stick thing is still plainly their favourite. Their other new favourites include their scratching post, my computer desk, and the sock drawer.
I managed to get some photos of the boys this morning, including one of Bobby in the drawer. They’re settling in quickly, even feeling brave enough to play with our house mates last night. They are very easy to love.
Thanks again for all your help. We’re very happy to have them with us at last, and they seem to be happy here.
Tristian 14/3/08
Zazu is a GREAT cat and has the most beautiful eyes. He’s 2.6 Kilos and loves the scale – he plunked right down as if it were a soft blanket – crazy cat. 🙂 My cat, Sabi, is not happy that he’s in the house, but I really think it was because he had an odor to him. Sabi’s been chilled as can be throughout the rest of the house and sniffs the door every time he walks by Zazu’s room, so I’m sure they’ll be friends soon enough.
I’ve attached a couple photos of him. I’ll definitely keep you in the loop, as we have to go back to the vet in the next couple of weeks to get his second round of shots completed.
Again, Jo, I can’t thank you enough for picking him up from death row. I thank you everyday. 🙂 I’ll keep you posted over the next couple of weeks and will send pics.
Zazu is sitting on my feet at the moment and he’s very warm. But don’t let that fool ya – he’s as cheeky as can be. He must’ve thought he was a good boy yesterday because he helped himself to some treats that were on the counter! (see pic).
We love him to bits and my other cat Sabi is coming around to being friends. He has the funniest run – its sideways – and loves to play with Sabi’s tail. We’re also trying to get him used to being a lap cat, since he spent 15 minutes on my lap this past Sunday.
Anyway, love him to pieces – he sleeps on the bed with us and snores which just puts a smile on my face. Thank you again and I’ll keep you posted on his progress.
Hi Michelle,
My husband and I have just returned from a trip to the US and came home to the cutest Zazu ever. He and my other cat Sabi are getting along so much better and I think Sabi now enjoys playing with him. I’ve attached a picture for you – he’s growing up fast! 🙂
We are a very happy family with Zazu in the house and again can’t thank you enough for helping us to adopt our crazy, cute, loveable Zazu. 🙂
….and here’s a pic of my adopted babies I got from Kalanne just over 12 months ago – Jellico and Patsy.
Julie , March 2008
LIZA (f) Silver tabby/white kitten gorgeous natured
“Boy this sure tastes good”
“After a good meal there is nothing “You mean you don’t like
like a snooze on a sunny windowsill.” me nibbling your toes?”
If Liza is not enjoying a sunny spot on the window sill, she is eating or feeling surprised that she now has a choice of doing either!
The surprised look could be in response to a reprimand when she nibbles my sons toes when lying on my son’s bed.
KIKI, BASSEY (ex Casper) & AVA(ex Misty)
Kiki relaxing “Aren’t I cute?”
Kiki “mmm this feels soooo good”
Bassey & Ava Ava grooming Bassey
Ava relaxing Miss Camperdown Beach Babe
Bassey exploring Peek a Boo Daddy!
Kiki is blossoming. She is quite loved by both Bassey and Ava now and is much more receptive to receiving affection from me. She loves to go outside with her siblings on the weekend, but unlike her siblings makes no attempt to “take off”. Her idea of leaving home is to go into my neighbour’s yard (through a gap in the fence) and sit and watch her in the garden. She is such an easy cat to look after and to please. She is truly a delight and I cannot imagine our family now without her. Her former parent has no idea of what she has missed out on and what a favour she has done me.
Kiki is currently snoozing behind one of my stereo speakers (she loves to do this even when the music is on); Bassey is snoozing on a pillow on the dining table in front of me as I write this e-mail,; and Ava (who is mother to all three of us) is sitting at the front door watching for any cats who may be out and about. She too has blossomed and has become a most affectionate cat. I am truly blessed that all three have come my way. I think perhaps my beloved “Dog” sent them my way after the enormous sadness of losing him.
Here is a photo that a neighbour took (unbeknownst to me) of Bassey and Ava on a mutual neighbour’s shed. This is as far as Ava has ventured from Home (three doors down) as she was being led astray by her naughty brother and more photos of all three.
Ciao. David
4/2/08 Dear Michelle,
I just wanted to take some time out from my “busy life” and let you know how I’ve been going since arriving in my new home 5 months ago. I was a little shy at first, and hid from my new human and feline family for some time, venturing out only during meal times and calls of nature. With lots of words of encouragement from my parents and big brother love, I eventually braved the elements to find a very loving and caring new life. It took a little while for my sister to accept me, she was also special needs like me when she came home, and so understandably was a bit wary of me. It didn’t take long for us to bond though, and now we love cuddling together on the couch during a lazy summer’s day. My newest baby sibling is a gem, and provides hours of entertainment. I love grooming her and have taken pride in making myself her surrogate mum when our mum is at work.
I’ve attached a couple of pictures of me, though I think you’ve seen them already. My mummy calls me “pretty face” so I guess I’m easy on the eye, but I frown and get cranky if someone tries to take my picture. I don’t know why, I guess I’m just camera shy. My mum tries so hard, she is so proud of me and just wants to show me off so I’ll try to let her do it from time to time. I guess it’s not so bad, that way I get to feature all over my house along with my siblings – I can’t let them steal the spotlight!
I’ve put on some weight since being home, I sure do love my food!!! I love the treats we occasionally get, specially the raw chicken necks – yummy! I try really hard to not eat my brother’s food too, but he is so slow that on the odd occasion I can’t help myself! He is such a gentleman though, he moves aside and waits until I’ve had enough. I truly do feel loved and treasured by all.
I just wanted to thank you for taking me in and looking after me when I most needed it. I know it wasn’t easy, and you were so sad to see me in such bad shape, but you were able to get me back in tip top shape for my new human family. I am a happy little girl now so you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I know you love me and I love you with all my little feline soul, and we will always hold a special spot in our hearts for one another. But I’m happy I was able to find my fur-ever home, so that you are now free to tend to another one of me that may be in need of a true friend.
I promise I will keep trying to come out of my shell more and more every day. I’ve been letting my mum and dad pat me when I walk by, and I like having my nose scratched while I’m waiting for food in the kitchen. I know how much they both want to hold me, but they are giving me my space, patiently waiting for me to get more comfortable and trusting. I know they love me, and so one day, in the not too distant future, I’ll surprise them by cuddling them. I know how happy that would make them, and so I’ll keep trying until I get there. My mummy always says that slow and steady wins the race.
Love and hugs to you always
Luna (your little Molly) xxxxxx
OSCAR champagne ginger kitten
Hi Michelle,
Can you believe that is has been 6 months since we had the pleasure of Oscar joining our family. He has grown so much as you can see in the photos and is really in his own element at home. He is so much fun, a little naughty on the odd occasion (like climbing the Christmas Tree & making Caleb who’s 8kg think he can too) but we wouldn’t have him any other way. The boys play for hours each day, chasing any insect that has the misfortune of coming into the house and well as tag (which they often bring us into). Oscar has become much more vocal and talkative, especially whilst guarding the fish in the salt water tank (much to Ben’s horror) or if anything exciting is happening in the house. Caleb absolutely adores Oscar and it has really enriched not only his life as ours as well to have him.
Thanks again, Belinda, Ben, Oscar & Caleb 25/1/08
Molly & Wilson (Lily & Jesse James) – 2 of Mollys kittens)

Wilson Molly
Whilst we have our dinner out in the courtyard they both love playing in the garden together. They have to be supervised while they play out there because they love to climb the small trees! They know they aren’t allowed to be climbing the trees but every time they do it they have a guilty look on their face when we catch them out.
Chris 1/2/08
14/1/08 Nadine’s 6yr old daughter Shelby adores her new family members.
Hi Michelle, Jenny and Sid,
Just an update on the progress of Pumpkin and Pierre.
Both are now settled in. They grew into the entire living space well after the first 24 hours and Pierre is now accustomed to and comfortable with myself and the environment. Pumpkin was happy after the first 20 minutes, but Pierre was a lot longer loosening up and wouldn’t let me pat him for the first three or four days, but the last 24 hours has lost that insecurity. They’re both playing together, eating well and are super affectionate.
Thanks to all for your assistance during this process and a huge thanks for doing the great work you do in helping animals find decent homes.
Cheers, Ben
MISCHIEF & MEATBALL (Ex Romeo & Daisy)
Dear Michelle
Well…….its been over 6 months since we took home “Romeo” and “Daisy”. As we got to know them over those initial weeks and by the time we brought them to the coast in their new home, we’d renamed them again. Scully (the female) is now called “Mischief” because that’s exactly what she is a bundle of! And Mulder (the male) Erik decided to rename him “Meatball”. I don’t know why we called him that but it just fits and he eats anything & everything, even fluff on the carpet. We don’t have to worry about bugs as he is always on the lookout at home for them.
We love them both very much and couldn’t imagine life without them now. They love us just as much and enjoy the attention we give to them. Erik is their favourite play buddy and I’m the cuddler.
Usually around 2-3am, Missy will come & wake me up with a little squeak in my ear and she won’t stop until I get out of bed and put her to sleep in the back room and lock them both up. Meatball never does this
They are a handful, these two kitties but most of the time very well behaved. They love people and visitors and have never scratched us or anyone else. Every month they go and visit my parents (who only leave a few streets away) along with my other cat who lives with my parents, Maddy. Anyway, we usually get out the cat carry cage and Missy runs and sits in there as she knows she’ll be going to visit “Grandma”. My mum loves them and they go absolutely wild at her place. It’s so much bigger there and plenty of windows to look out from. As for Maddy, well she is not impressed at all and there have been a few words between Maddy & Mischief but Maddy doesn’t seem to mind Meatball that much. I guess she doesn’t like Missy because she is also female. Anyway, usually as long as they keep their distance things are OK. Sometimes there is a bit of hissing & spitting but nothing else.
Meatball is such a graceful, mellow cat. He reminds me of my mum’s old cat Hercules. Erik adores Meatball. Meatball is very gentle and loves to rub up against anything, even the wall he passes and his tail is always up and flowing from side to side nicely. He is very tall, sleek & slender.
Missy is energetic, fearful and very nosy. We’ve never met a cat with such a bold personality. She loves the vaccum and has a habit of jumping on people’s backs. We sometimes take her for rides on our back when we’re on all fours, she loves it! She is very talkative and squeaks a lot. She loves her food and is quite stocky.
Anyway, just thought I’d give you an update on our babies and I’ve attached a few pictures for you.
Best regards, Candy
Hi Michelle,
Just to let you know I am so happy in my new home with my new Mummy Nikki and Daddy Carl. I am living in a two storey three bedroom apartment with a big balcony so there are plenty of places to hide and run around. I have a real yummy boyfriend called Milo, he is a Burmese like me, his colour is lilac so we really look special together. I know he loves me because he kissed me when we first met and now he grooms me after we have had breakfast on the balcony together. Of course we sleep together but nothing naughty you understand. My mouth is feeling much better, I have put on some weight and am eating red meat as well as the diet you had me on. I am going to the Vet tomorrow to have a check up.
Thank you so much for looking after me until you found me a new home. I will never forget you. Here are some photos to cheer you up.
Lots of love from Eloise XX
Little MITZI

Mitzi is doing great. As I mentioned she became very comfortable with us in a short time. She looked so shy when we first met her, and was a little quiet when we brought her into our home.
However, she has come out of her shell and is very cheeky now. She gets so much attention and never goes without a hug from our visitors.
We couldn’t have dreamed for a sweeter kitten, we are glad we were able to help a cat in need and have encouraged our friends thinking of getting a cat to go to the pet rescue rather than buying an over priced kitten from the pet store.
She is eating like crazy and is growing. She is still small but should grow up to be a beautiful girl.
Kind regards,
Marcel & Louise + little Mitzi
TUPPY (previously Timmy)
Tuppy (the Wonder Dog) is a calm and confident dog, so the quiet lifestyle is suiting him very well. The scruffy little fellow is cherished by all who meet him.
Attached is a pic from a recent Christmas trip to the country – Tumut, where he met other dogs, horses, sniffed around wombat holes, swam in the river and helped growl at a snake. The horse (Gallop) is being fed wild apples by Scarlett, while being guarded by Tuppy

From Belinda & Nathan 27/2/08
Cadbury is doing really well, he has settled in with Nathan and I really well. and gets most of the attention! I have attached a couple more pictures of him doing his favourite pastime for you..

Hi Michelle,
I thought I would drop you a quick email to let you know how Cadbury is going I have attached a couple of pictures for you.
Cadbury is doing really well. The first couple of days he was very shy and nervous, we couldnt get him to eat anything. He wouldnt have anything to do with my Fiancé Nathan and followed me around the house.. (I think because I’m tall and blonde I looked like Carole to him).
A week later, and he is eating like a horse, has taken a real liking to Nathan, loves lots of attention, and is definitely in charge of the house.
At night he is full of life, runs around the house and jumps on our bed and meows till we wake up, wants us to join in the fun.. he gets in to every cupboard, climbs everything, tackles the Christmas tree, drags the Christmas balls into the shower and doesn’t want to give them back.
We both absolutely adore Cadbury! He was a wonderful Christmas present..
Thank you Michelle!
RHINO & PEPPER (Velvet’s 2 black kittens)
Rhino climbing the Xmas tree
Georgie, 14 December 2007

Tom Jerry
Kind regards, Sheila 27 December 2007
PRINCE, Maltese Shih Tzu cross
12 December 2007
Dear Michelle and all at Pet Rescue,
We have had a wonderful year with Prince now a member of the family well and truly.
We are spending Christmas in Melbourne and taking him with us to meet all of the the family. He will get to meet his cousins Ginge, a kelpie and Hervey a pom cross. Grandad has built him a lovely kennel for his two week holiday.
WE have had nothing but so much pleasure from him, & cannot imagine a time without him. We tried to take some lovely photos of him with his xmas hat on but all he wanted to do was chew on it!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas from Prince and the Picone family
CLEO- one of Velvet’s kittens

Cathy with Sassy & Cleo Dec ’07 Sassy being a pillow for Cleo

Cleo – Nov ’07
Cleo arrived on in our home on the 29/11/07 – walked in and made herself at home. It took a couple of days for her and Sassy to bond, but they now happily play together and have great fun in their crinkly tunnel. Cleo is just a bundle of joy and has a cheeky and inquisitive nature. Extremely loveable and gives to us what we give to her – lots of kisses and nudges and gives us lots of laughs.
Cleo is named after Cleopatra namely for her beautiful make-up and those lovely almond shaped eyes.Thank you ‘Sydney Pet Rescue’ for bringing Cleo to us.
December 2007 – A further update – Cleo is growing big and strong and has just the most adorable personality, she’s cuddly and very loveable. A nervous kitten outside her comfort zone of the apartment and balcony. New photos together with Sassy.
Best regards
LUCY Maltese X
For those of you who do not know,
Love and kindness how to show,
Take a trip to see this mum,
And see how much work she’s done.
Her jobs are hard, there’s often grief,
But serving pets, is her belief,
She nurses them through the toughest times,
It’s with her, true love you’ll really find.
So take a lesson in your life,
See this woman work through strife,
See the compassion in her eyes,
And salute her effort saving lives.
Lucy my baby was blessed to meet,
This angel treading with weary feet,
She cared for her throughout the day,
She helped to send her pain away.
I salute you Suh, you caring girl,
You truly are God’s precious pearl,
So thanks to you, just once again,
For sharing with Lucy, her time of pain.
So Lucy now has a brand new Mum
With help from Suh, to home she’s come.
May God be with you all the way,
As you tread your path, each testing day.
With kind wishes and much appreciation
© Kathy Ralph Oct 2007